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Emergency taredown (East Brunswick)

Unfortunately last night I had to takedown my 55, and all my fish and corals are in a temporary tank right now. My mother who has never been a fan of me having the tank finaly had enough of it and wants to re do my room, so the tank has to go. I have 2 clowns (false perculas), 2 firefish, and a coral beauty. I also have about 20 corals that need homes, some acros, a birdsnest, 3 montis, a few zoos, and a lot of softies. I also have about 25 pounds of LR with some corals on it. All this needs to be taken within the next few days. Payment is not necessary, Im more concerned with everything surviving. Please contact me via pm for pickup details.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Re: Emergency taredown

Justin, I can swing by after work and take the livestock for you. The corals we can raffle at the meeting tomorrow and the fish, if we can sell them, you can take payment for.
How much would you like for the two firefish? Bummer about the tank, hope your mom realizes how conscientious you are.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sorry to hear about this, Justin. I was really looking forward to reading your book! Hopefully you'll be able to get back into the hobby at some point in near future.


NJRC Member
Justin, Sorry you are having to get out of this now. I Hope you will be able to get back into the hobby in the near future.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

Sorry to see you go. I have 2 daughters that can't be bothered with the hobby. Ask your mother if she wants to trade. ;) Hope to see you back soon.

There is a glimmer of hope, Ill be taking over my brother's nano tank, so I have to wait until tomorrow or the next day to see what has to go. Ill be getting in touch with everyone who pmed me once I know what I'll be keeping or not. The clowns will be the only fish staying, and most of the rock will be going, as well as the high light corals, and some of the extra softies.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yeay! That's great news, Justin. Hopefully most of it will fit in the nano. Let me know if you need any help. I'm out of the office tomorrow, but will be back in the area on Friday.
Hey Justin that is great. Let me know what you need to get rid of.
I would be interested in the firefish and maybe some live rock and or sand if you want. Let me know what you want for it OK?
My room has been finished, completely redone, and my new nano is set up, and looking rather nice. I will contact everyne who has shown interest it the corals/fish I have. I need them gone tomorrow or saturday for their sake. I have one birdsnest, one large acro, one small acro, one green pocilipora, one larger green pocilipora, one 3 polyped hammer, one three polyed toadstool, many zoos (though mostly boring colors), some palys, some mushrooms, and some more corals, which after all the work Ive been doing today (14hrs) I can't account for. I also have two firefish, one coral beauty, my clowns are moving into the nano tomorrow. I have about 25 ounds of LR as well. Some of the corals will have to go attached to their rocks, unless you can help me get them separated.

EDIT: Pretty much everything is spoken for except the coral beauty who still needs a new home.
I was only contacted by one person today, if anyone can get some of the livestock tomorrow it would be great. Pm me for contact info I'll charge minimaly for anything in the hope that it can get out of the temp tank in my basement.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sorry, Justin. You said everything was spoken for so I didn't think to reach out before I left work. I'll be back up that way on Monday if you still need help.
Hey Justin, Sorry You had to tear it down . Almost everyone forced to take down a tank ends up with a better setup in the future ,so just think about that until the time is right. Glad you still have a nano to keep you in the hobby. If the live rock (possibly zoo's if I dont have them)is still available Saturday call me,let me know what you want for it and I can swing by, I live about ten minutes away . Paul 908-216-6022