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Feeding "slow" eaters

Main pump is off. Powerheads are off . PLOP! Frozen food drops in the tank. Silence. Water is calm, serene. Halides piercing through the ripples on the surface.....
Then, out of the crevices, the horde comes out..... Blue, Yellow, Dark blue, light blue, yellow again........ they blast the cube from all directions, torpedoes swimming through the tank, a big puff of quasi-defrosted fish food emanates in all directions, the fish breathing the food right in....... within seconds, the food is gone, and the Copperband finally shows up only to taste what's left as the water column explodes in flavor......... too bad Mr Copperband, no food for you!

Aggggghhhhhh...... EVER HAD THAT HAPPEN?!?!? So I find myself feeding the tank 3 times as much food as I normally would only so the copperband can get his fair ration of sustenance........

So, the hippo is a pig. So is the yellow tang. The anthias zips by like a rocket, just like the wrasse. The Chromis just cruises but is quick to inhale. Have you seen the size of a PJ cardinal's mouth?!?! The copperband is always last to the booty.......... UNTIL NOW!

Introducing the Copperband feeder! Yes, just like a hummingbird feeder, the copperband feeding system allows your butterfly fish to eat at their own leisure while everyone else looks on and craves for that succulent bloodworm, that grated shrimp with a hint of garlic, that Daphnia crunchy thing.........ahhhhhhhh. Finally, the Copperband feeds..... now only if he could quit pecking at the darn clear acrylic tube like everyone else.

Buy now for only 3 easy payments of $9.99, and don't forget to mention the shrimper grater free with purchase, while supplies last!!! 1-800-COPRBND... but wait, there's more! Order in the next 30 minutes and receive a second one free!!! That's right, free! we'll even send you a second shrimper grater for free as well! CALL NOW..........

Acrylic tubing
Blade to cut acrylic tubing

Slightly heat up a Piece of thin acrylic tubing from your LFS. Bend at a 45 degree angle and run under cold water to stiffen. Heat up the tip and press closed until the desired size is acquired. Cut to length and attach or hang. Plop some food in the other end and watch the other guys squirm with envy as your copperband naturally "straws" out the food off the hole!






What are you feeding your CBB? Mine still tries to hold out for live blackworms. And he's far from slow when eating those.
is it the lighting, or are the colors on that butterfly that vivid? looks beautiful

The lights are 12K reeflux halides and 4-T5's 2 actinics, 1 blue and 1 procolor which makes the reds/oranges pop in the tank. Camera is set at 8300K on the color scale

calaxa said:
What are you feeding your CBB? Mine still tries to hold out for live blackworms. And he's far from slow when eating those.

Mixture of grated shrimp, fish, clams, squid, daphnia, mosquito larva and bloodworms. No LFS near me carries live blackworms unfortunately. The other fish are waaaaaay too fast for him!
Your design is brilliant. I saw a different design (not as good, I think) which was a tube with many holes in it which the CBB and Yello Longnose could get through, but not the other piggy fish.

My CBB is right in the fight with the others at the top of the tank these days when the frozen mysis is served. But the one in your photos looks like a lil' guy, needs to eat up.

I've been feeding PE Mysis and frozen bloodworms. The CBB is the only fish in the tank who really likes bloodworms, so that's a benefit for him too.
That is a great easy idea to do and make.
That might come in handy for my seahorses with less waste rather than using feeding cup.
I'm gona try it :)

I have a Copper Band butterfly , and they are slow at getting their food.

At first the only food he liked was bloodworms and now he eats anything he can get to

I turned him onto a gel-based Trigger Formula Two ,
or now any of them he likes , he's a little piggy

What I do is , defrost cube alittle
then slice and square the cube food into little pellet size pieces.
store in in a little container for fridge for the day
It's red like the bloodworms , It floats and sinks slow enabeling copperband to get to it.

All the other fish like it to ...
So I usually feed everybody else first a little bit of pellets , mysis & greens

Then I get my prepared chopped up formula two that I chopped into the little container,
I scoop out a little in a teaspoon
Show butterfly food , he gets so excieted , he goes to top , and get to eat most of it himself
and what he misses , everyone cleans it up quickly ,no waste and has lots of protein