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Fiteration Question

Hey everyone,

just a quick question about filteration. Currently I have a 55 g, I took my 90 down and haven't gottent o set it back up. Anyway, I've let it go for a minute and now I want to get it back together, it's a mess. My question is, would a HOB refugium and a skimmer, be sufficient filteration. I have a sump that I would rather use, but it won't fit in the stand I currently have, so the HOB seems to be the best way. And I also don't like using a 10 gallon tank, don't trust the glass with my youngins missing around in the stand.

Anyway, what are your opinions, thoughts, ideas?



Officer Emeritus
Staff member
We run a HOB skimmer and fuge on two tanks right now. They are smaller than yours (30g and 20g) but I think if you got the right size it would work. They have come out with a bunch of new HOB skimmers that are rated for bigger tanks (which of course means bigger price tags) that have been reviewed very well. We use CPR fuges and Aqua C Remora skimmers.

Also you might want to PM magic, I think his stuff is all HOB and he has a bigger tank than ours.

Here are some HOB skimmers:
One coming out soon:
Hey thinks,
will check out what he has. I was thinking of going with a remora pro, I think that's what it's called. I'll look at some others before I choose though. I think HOB for everything is the best way for the type of stand I have. I hate it, there's no room in it do much. I have a great protien skimmer and sump, can't use them because the sump is to long. and the skimmer is almost to high. I want to go back to my 90, but wifey would kill me, lol. Anyway, thanks for the info.
