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Green sps losing flesh

A few days ago a purple pink cyphestria fell on my green sps for a little while and now it is losing skin first it was just a tiny piece now it's spreading. I heard that you can dip in iodide to cure. But I am not sure. I have the kent marine iodide but I am afraid to mess it up. If any one has experience with this please let me know. Phone won't let me upload pic


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
It sounds like it got stung. You can dip it or just keep an eye on it. If you can cut the coral depending on where it got stung, that is an option also.
We'll I cut it and a little past the bad spot but it continued to spread. I tired to drop a few drops of iodide and that was too strong. Overnight the flesh was cover dying and must have spread or touched the sps near it because by the next morning both were covered in white gunk. Took both out so that it would not spread. Oh we'll. a lesson to be learned iodide is too strong for sps. And never keep a sick coral near another healthy one. Thanks for the help. At least next time I know to do cut ahead of time and get the proper dip. I heard revive is the one to get.