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Happy Birthday

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
It's @nightmarepl birthday today! Happy birthday :dance: . The best birthdays are in March! I should know :)


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Happy B-Day!
My son's was the other day, he was devastated that we were under quarantine.
He got better as we made an R2-D2 cake from scratch and items on hand.
Hope you made the best of yours as well, under the circumstances. :)


Staff member
NJRC Member
Happy B-Day!
My son's was the other day, he was devastated that we were under quarantine.
He got better as we made an R2-D2 cake from scratch and items on hand.
Hope you made the best of yours as well, under the circumstances. :)

Damn that sucks. Can't imagine being a kid and not able to celebrate.
Tell him Happy Birthday from all us reefers.

Damn that sucks. Can't imagine being a kid and not able to celebrate.
Tell him Happy Birthday from all us reefers.
It is sad but also a good life lesson,, it shows him that life’s not fair and lot of people suck, there is more good in most people but be prepared for the ones that suck and be able to turn it around
Happy birthday