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Harlaquin Shrimp Question

I am thinking about getting a H. Shrimp just because they are very cool to watch and I am not putting any fish in my little tank. So before I do this, does anyone have one who can answer this question for me.

Have you found that while the shrimp is feeding your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels go up from the half devoured starfish? Is the feeding time real messy, make the water real cloudy? Does the starfish squeal at all? ;D

Any suggestions on keeping one/pair of these?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We only ever put in a leg at a time (as much as he could eat in a day or two). The legs don't bleed/ooze at all so there really wasn't a mess to worry about. I never noticed a spike, but I didn't look for one either! We were feeding him once every 2 weeks or so. In retrospect that wasn't often enough (RIP, H. Shrimp). We'd like to have another, but will wait until we can stock the freezer with a handful out of the ocean.
My boss said he just throws in a sand-sifting starfish <$10> and the shrimp feasts away. He needs one about every 3 weeks or so. I was just concerned about starfish bits floating around throwing my ammy/nitrite/nitrates off keester.
I had one and it left behind little white rubble from the devoured starfish. Only noticed it because I have black sand and it stood out. Never noticed anything going beyond my normal high nitrates. Starfish became to expensive to keep up with it's feeding for me. It has been the coolest animal I've kept though.