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Head loss question

I need to upgrade my return pump to accommodate a frag tank.

How much pump do I need to:

drive about 700gph up 5'
about 600gph up 4'
about 200gph up 4'

Any pump suggestions?

I have it setup so that out of the pump there is 3/4" hard PVC with 2 90's that feeds up to the display, midway there is a Tee that feeds another Tee to the other 2 tanks. Everything is hard plumbed and has valves, so I can fine tune everything. I really don't want to buy a pump too over-sized. The sump isn't drilled, but drilling it is not an issue if I have to. The mag 18 I have isn't doing much.

Thanks in advance.
ds4x4 said:
you can use this as a ball park figure not including friction loss, 90's 45's, T's. If you used 3/4 all the way it might be a little small for what you need

so use this

I found both of them before I posted. Is it as simple as adding all the loss together, or am I over thinking this? That means about 21' of loss. (might be why that mag 18 isn't cutting it)