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Help Needed

Corals dying! I did a 20% water change the other day and some of my corals are not too happy about it. After Reef Crystals for years, I tried SeaChem Reef Salt. My Leathers, Zoas, Palys, some shrooms, & Kenya Trees are all shriveling up.

Temp- 77
sg - 53.7 MS
Nitrate- 0.25 ppm
PH- 8.0

All my other test kits are expired, i havent had the need to test in a long time.

realized i should have done a series of smaller water changes to ease into the new salt type, but that doesnt help me now. any suggestions?
seems a bit odd that the salt would do this ( at least to me ) I have been doing 3 gallon water changes on a 12 gallon tank every Saturday for over 2 years and no matter which salt I use ( seachem reef salt all the time ) or if I run out ( reef crapstals ) it never mattered..

So what can we do? You did a water change, you can't test your water ( get some test kits )check your PH, ALK, Nitrates and Ammonia..

Based on a Nitrate of .25 after the water change ( hmmmm ) and the ph should be a little higher but not a biggie at all and bump up that sg to 1.026 or 35

Need to see what is causing the shriveling.. and what kind of corals are they? If acans.. well that happens from time to time.. Is anything MELTING?

Need some more information and maybe a photo.. but definitely more test information would be appreciated..


PS what is that 53.7.. That had better not be S. If it is you are way to high..
I had a bad batch of salt wipe out half my tank a year or two ago. I always check a new batch with all the tests.

- Bob
did another 50g water change with reef crystals salt. added a 2nd phosban reactor 150 and used it clemi pure elite in it. put a poly pad in my canister filter. and checked my alk, which was slightly low 6-7, but nothing crazy. rasied that back up to 10 dkh and calcium is at 390-420. corals are rebounding nicely. lost a lot of zoas and shrooms, but not the entire colonies, so they will grow back over time. strange how some corals didnt show any signs of stress and other did. def think it was a bad batch of salt or some other kind of contaminent.
I have seen this happen before so now if for any apparent reason that I'm going to switch salts I slowly ween off the old salt and onto the new salt making 50/ 50 batches of the salt mixes over a couple water changes...
I noticed every thing acclimates better...
Just remeber not every product is the same out there...
lessen learned.

the only reason i even switched salts was because will was out of reef crystals and i was too impatient to wait. probably because it had been like over three months since i had done a water change.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Patriot you are not the first person that I have heard of when switching to that salt. I do not know the makeup of it, but your case is not new, check around. Sorry to hear about the problem, but glad to hear you are rebounding. Seems like zoos don't like changing to that salt. Daniel on this board had the same problem.
