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Help with 2 acrylic strips for meeting

Hi - Would someone be able to help me by cutting two 13x3 strips of acrylic for me? I bought a custom sump that could be improved to make the refuge work better. I would pay for materials plus your time...I just don't have the right tools to get it done and am eager to use this sump.

I am going to Renee's place for the meeting next Saturday, so the ideal situation would be to exchange there.

Exact specs: 2 strips 13 & 5/8 long X 3 inches tall X 1/4" (or 3/8"). I also need to have about a dozen 1" slats cut into the strip to use them as overflow strainers between compartments in the sump.
Please let me know. We can pm re:costs
Feel free to give me a call if it helps.(201)-602-8001
Hi Bob, You can buy a tool to cut that at Home Depot or lowes for about 3 bucks.
it's not that hard with 3/8 or 1/4 inch in fact it's amost like cutting sheet rock.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Bob,

If I was able to make the meeting I'd certainly hook you up. I have a bucket full of scraps that would fit those dims.

Renee should have scraps laying around as well, shoot her a PM.
roncgizmo- Good thought there, although I think cutting the slats would have to be done by a saw.

Rich - Thanks....to bad you are not up north this time. I will send Renee a pm to see if she can. I am sure she is a bit crazed this week with the prep for the meeting and her crew of children.

I suppose I could look into a plastics supplier around as well, but I figured I would take a stab at it to save time.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We could cut the strips on the table saw, but don't have any scrap around so you'd have to tell us where to get it and how much you wanted, etc...

I'll have to agree that Renee probably has scrap around, though she may not be allowed to run the table saw anymore :eek:
Phyl - That would be super- thanks again for extending. I am thinking that if I'm not able to line up with Renee to cut up the two strips, I may coordinate to provide you the strips to cut for me. I still have my current (but small) sump arrangement going so, I will work some options closer by Morris County for a little while yet.
Hey Danthemanj - thanks for the offer. Renee may be able to cut them today. If not, I may take you up on that. My workplace is not too far from Piscat.

One these days I will buy a table saw. (I am saving for light fixture first!)

If you going by the meeting, I will see you later!

ps....I just now 'got' your user name, now that I had to spell it out. :p