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Hi all, New guy here with some questions.

(Grab some popcorn)
Hey everyone. Nice place you all have here. I'm glad I met a member from here and he told me about this place.
I'm relatively new to reefs and saltwater, however for the past 2 1/2 years I had a saltwater setup in a 56gal tall.
It was powered by a fluval 404, ccoral for gravel, 60lbs of lr, 2 power heads. Maintaining the tank was a breeze, just topped it off everytime it got low..lol.(seriously) Until 1 day about 3 months ago I noticed that mostly all my snails were around. I took this as a bad sign so the little voice in my head told me that I should do I 50% water change. Well... after that my fish all died 1 by 1. Thankfully they were just clowns and damsels. Nothing really expensive but I still shed a tear for them.(well not me, the wife did..really) After that episode we did another water change and let the live rocks sit to hopefully recycle the tank. About 3 weeks ago my trusty fluval died, it just stopped working. I wasn't able to replace it till now.(owning a home makes this difficult sometimes.) I started to do some reading on the net and sort of caught the fever. I always thought the 56gal tall was just too square so I went out and got a regular 55 gal. I just purchased a skimmer from the fellow member who told me about this site. Now I want to do it right and try to make a sump/refuge and hopefully achieve a really nice reef setup like those I see at the lfs. Enough with the rambling, here are some of my questions.

1. Are my rocks ok? They have just been sitting in water with powerheads for the last 3-4 weeks. Some have a nice red color and some don't..look a dark greyish. (I can try to post some pics later on, if I get the chance.)
2. Will a 30 gallon breeder tank work for the sump/refuge?

I read on here that you have to be careful about getting the water flow from DT to sump/refuge correct.
3. How do I determine what size pumps to get?

I'll stop here, I'm pretty sure you popcorn has ran out.
Thanks for stopping in. All suggestions, ideas and why don't you use the search button comments will be greatly appreciated. :p

The name is esnapz, currently in orange, nj.

Before you do anything else, you want to try and figure out why your fish died in the previous system. You don't want the same thing occurring again.

Then before you set up the new tank, figure out what you want to keep in it. If at all possible, use a tank other than a standard 55. That size tank has only about 12 inches front to back width. This makes is extremely difficult to aquascape. A 70 or 90 gal tank is a much better choice. They are both about 18 inches front to back.

Depending upon what killed your fish and what medications you used, your rock may be ok. Generally if you didn't ever medicate, and the rock just sat in SW for several weeks they will be fine.

A 30 gal breeder will work fins as a sunp, but will not likely fit in the stand of a 55, check first.

Since you seem to be interested in a reef system, get yourself several books on state of the art reef systems. Knowledge is key to a successful reef system.

Generally canister filters and undergravel filters are considered obsolete by todays standards. Few people use them on a reef. You'll also be interested in some good lighting, but that's an entire subject in itself.
its great your getting into the hobby! ;D welcome to the forum.

i recommend returning the fluval if possible.. unless your religious about keeping it clean its just going to work against your system - pumping nitrates into the water instead of helping to remove them. if your tank and sump are set up correctly you should have enough filtration but you still will have to perform water changes. i recommend lots of research and asking lots of questions.

id agree with a 75 if possible as your tank as it is wider - the 90 is the same length just taller so i personally wouldnt get it because that means more powerful lighting required if you desire to keep certain corals
Thanks for the replies. At the moment I'm going to be stuck with the 55. As far as fish are concerned. I'm planning to keep pretty much the same fish, some clowns, damsels, snails, crabs but I'm hoping to add a blenny or 2 and the wife is dying for a hippo tang. If possible we'll add a coral or 2 and also a clam to spruce things up.
If the 30 breeder won't do. Will a regular 30 gallon do, I believe the 30 is 36x12x16.

So far all I have is the 55 gal and the coralife skimmer 125. Hopefully going to pickup the tank for the sump later today.

As for the non working fluval, the garbage men are picking that up as I type...lol
As mentioned the thirty will be fine as long as it fits in the stand. Would recommend against using ccoral as substrate in this tank if you plan on keeping corals.
Thanks again for the quick replies.
Definitely not going to use ccoral this time. Going to go with sand.
When I did that water change. Regular water was used but it was dechlorinated and I had let it sit for over 24hrs with a power head and heater to get the temp as close as I could to what the tank was. I'm guessing I didn't do a great job @ vacuuming the gravel and it thru my tank out of wack.
I'll be doing it all over this time. Going for a fresh start this time. Hope I do it right.

Was the popcorn at the meeting? Dang I always miss the good stuff. ;)

Sorry to hear about your first tank. i've had my share of damsels die and frankly it wasn't a good time. You may say they weren't expensive but back when I had them it was my allowance and frankly regardless of the expense, I personally grew rather attached to them. I guess I digress.

What kind of live rock do you have? or is it like bleached corals?

I don't get the water change killing the fish off. I'm almost wondering if that is a red herring and something else caused the demise of the fish. Regardless, how are you measuring the salinity...refractometer or hydrometer?
Like you say you have the 55 so that will work fine. The 75 is easier to aquascape but i had a 55 so it will work. I believe i had a 20gal under mine. not sure the 30 will fit. Start slow. No need to rush out and buy the sump. Think it through.
Start with what you want to keep. The clam will need some intense lighting. If that is the direction you want to go keep that in mind. As for sand use Caribian reef sand or something similar. Do not use play sand. That is silican based and will cause you problems down the road. Is the 55 reef ready or will you be using a hang on overflow. Think about what pump you will use as a return.
Thanks for the response.
I don't get the water change killing the fish off.
I was told at a lfs that it could have been a combination of the fluval going bad and the ccoral being stirred up during the change. ???

What kind of live rock do you have?
As far as I know its live figi, purchased from absolutely fish

how are you measuring the salinity...refractometer or hydrometer?
Using a hydrometer at the moment. I'll looking to pick up a refracto soon.

Thanks for the response. Things have changed..in just 24hrs. I was able to return the 55gal. I really rushed that purchase, 2 of my live rocks didn't fit in it properly. So now I'm the lookout for a 75gal. I visited Pet Shanty today but they didn't have any. Also stopped in a petsmart but they wanted 200 for it. Hopefully I can find it abit cheaper. I'm also hoping if I do find the 75 I can get it drilled so I don't have to purchase an overflow or rack my brain trying to make one.
Trust me I'm in no rush anymore so I will be taking my time to get it done right.

Think about what pump you will use as a return.
That's been racking my brain as well. How do you determine what your flow rate is?


I'm just hoping that the coralife 125 will be sufficient for the 75, I purchased it thinking it was going to be used with the 55. There's no return on it. :p
I would scan our fs/ft posts and see if someone has a refractometer for sale. You won't be able to post a want to buy post just yet, but you can reply to existing posts.

If not - you might be able to grab one at our frag swap (if one of the many vendors coming has one for sale).

That all stated, I'd encourage you to consider signing up for club membership. If you are close enough to get to Pet Shanty (I assume the one on Route 22) - it's not too far away to get to Ocean Gallery II or perhaps down route 1 to Aquatic Obsessions.

in my opinion, the water change wasn't what killed the tank - it is probably the age of the fluval (perhaps lack of cleaning?) and most likely the age of the ccoral. Having both items new in a tank is not going to kill anything - but if I had it for 2 1/2 years - i could see how that could cause a problem. Just me 2 cents.

your "flow" rate - I assume you are asking about an overflow - each one and brand of tank that has a built-in overflow will vary somewhat.

Anyways - my first "reef" tank was a 55 - but it was a pain to aquascape. So good call with getting something bigger. A pre-drilled tank is known as a "reef ready" tank. Or if you are rather handy you could purchase a standard tank and drill it yourself - perhaps with a "calfo overflow". There's also vendors who will sell you a custom acrylic tank but now we're talking a lot more money.

hey I forgot to mention how to become a member if you are interested:
Want to become a member? read this
Thanks phil, I'll start scanning for it now and some other things.
Pet Shanty is not really near me, I'm in orange but I don't mind taking the ride. I'm relatively new to jersey so I enjoy driving around. I'll mapquest the mentioned shops and add them to my list.

I wish I was handy, there's no way I'm drilling a tank..hahaha. Its funny cause my wife and I were just looking at this thread http://www.njreefers.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=3425.0 she really thinks we can build something sort of the same. I just looked her and laughed....lol. I'm really going to try my hands with the sump/refuge that doesn't seem difficult. Just have to get the baffles cut.

if you keep your eyes out on craigslist.com you can prob. find a decent deal on a 75 gallon.. i mean im sure it wont be crystal clear free of scratches brandy spankin new but if you look around you should be able to find a decent deal on it.
Thanks onefish2fish, I've been trolling c's list for the past 30min...lol. Looks like I'll probably find something.

esnapz said:
Thanks phil, I'll start scanning for it now and some other things.
Pet Shanty is not really near me, I'm in orange but I don't mind taking the ride. I'm relatively new to jersey so I enjoy driving around. I'll mapquest the mentioned shops and add them to my list.

I wish I was handy, there's no way I'm drilling a tank..hahaha. Its funny cause my wife and I were just looking at this thread http://www.njreefers.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=3425.0 she really thinks we can build something sort of the same. I just looked her and laughed....lol. I'm really going to try my hands with the sump/refuge that doesn't seem difficult. Just have to get the baffles cut.


Well at our next central nj club meeting - I'm sure you'll be close to any of those shops - plus the discount with the njrc club card doesn't hurt. Of course our next club meeting is going to be in Secaucus - not a true meeting since that will be our Frag Swap.

The thread you linked is by mikem and he is hands-down got some fantastic skills and has helped a ton of people in this club. I'm sure if you were to try your hand at DIY he'd probably chime in with some tips. He also helped built another member's fish-tank/basement.

In terms of links -just scroll down our vendors list - they are all sponsors of the club. In terms of personal experience - I purchased my 120 from AqOb. They do have a sale going on for reef-ready 75's - but if your budget is <$200 you're out of luck.

U mentioned you're new to Jersey....where did you move from? Anyways the folks on this board will definitely help guide you to the most ideal places for this hobby - sometimes - it's our own reefers with fragged corals.
Thanks for all the info phil519. I'll start looking at the vendors as well. There's a lot of info on here, my eyes are starting to hurt...lol.

My wife and I moved out to jersey from nyc. We've been out here for 3 years now. I work in nyc so I spend alot of my time there. When I'm not working and have nothing planned I try to hit a jersey tourist spot you can say, just to see what's around.

Welcome to the board.

Here is what is on sale at Aquatic Obsessions
In addition to the specials we already listed we will be offering some good aga rr tank prices. These tanks must be preordered by 9/25, and require a 50% deposit by that date. Other discounts do not apply.
75 $219.99
90 $249.99
120 $399.99
150 $499.99
180 $599.99

Saves you time drilling and all that garbage. For 20 bucks.

Good luck let us know how you are doing.
Thanks for the info JR. My wife and I stopped in AO today and I ordered a 75g with a stand. I was really hoping the tanks were in the store. According to Will it should be there on Monday, so I'll be there as soon as the store opens...hahaha. I posted our experience at the store in the Retailer Experience section. Awesome store, very friendly and straight answers. So far a drive that was really worth it. (Not to bash on the other lfs I've been to in the last 3 days.)
Hey I posted in the other thread ...glad to help out. His aniv. sale is Oct 3rd. He gets some great deals on tanks that is for sure. Looking forward to your updates.

BTW he gives discounts to club members so it would be a great idea to become a member here...plus our group buys.
I totally forgot to mention my new membership when I paid for the tank.
I had gotten the email from Michael the same morning but since I don't have my card yet it slipped my mind. :-\
Definitely will remember the next time.