• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Hi all, New guy here with some questions.

esnapz said:
I totally forgot to mention my new membership when I paid for the tank.
I had gotten the email from Michael the same morning but since I don't have my card yet it slipped my mind. :-\
Definitely will remember the next time.

i don't think the tanks are eligible for further discount - so what you paid is the best you'll get. I got mine from AO last year too. Glad you found them!
I suspect the water change WAS what killed your tank. If you didnt do water changes for 2 and half years, you had a bad case of Old Tank Syndrome going on. The chemistry in a tank like this is such that a large water change can cause a spike in pH, which can convert non-toxic ammonia into lethal ammonium. For tanks like this it's much better to do 10% a day over a week or two, rather than a huge change in one shot.

What I don't understand is how you went 2 years without water changes and your tank didn't look like hairy green Retreiver.
Yup, no real water changes..always topped off when it became too low. Only changed the fluval's media about every month and half or so. We probably did 1 to 2 10-20% water changes in those 2 and half years. Till that day when we shook up the crushed coral and did that 50% change.