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How long do BTA's eat for?

Picked up a BTA yesterday and my clown took about 3 hours to settle in :)

This morning though the BTA was all closed up with the exception of a few tips still out, I'm guessing that it caught a nice snail or hermit since there's no fish missing *knock, knock*

oh no, hope it's not one of my shrimp, they normally eat shrimps?

Nemo keeps hovering around waiting for her to open back up

I'd post pics but my camera stinks at tank shots and you won't even be able to tell it's an anemone
Most RBTAs or GBTA ball up like you describe.

It has nothing to do with eating, more likely to do with the the clown harrsing the anemone.

They ball up to protect their tentacles and mouth area. Next time my RBTA does it i will take pics...
ReeferNets said:
Most RBTAs or GBTA ball up like you describe.

It has nothing to do with eating, more likely to do with the the clown harrsing the anemone.

They ball up to protect their tentacles and mouth area. Next time my RBTA does it i will take pics...

Good to know. It's opened back up and the clown's right back in :)
heheh - what always gets me is that the same hole that's used for eating is how it (how shall we say) potties?
The anemone's moved all over the tank and I haven't seen the clown go in for about a week now, this normal? Do they just stop hosting from time to time? Or is it just because the BTA just keeps moving?
All anenomes close up. They fill up with water and digest any nutrients out of the water then they clentch up to spew the used up water back out. My Sebae anenome did this a lot until I started to feed it every 2-3 days with a silverside. The only time I see him balled up is if I missed a feeding.

Oh, silversides are better then shrimp for feeding. The anenome can digest the whole fish, even the bone. It cannot digest shrimp shell so every now and then it will spit out a slimy glob of shells and possibly spike your tank. Of cource you can always peel the shrimp.

I also feed my bubble coral a little chunk of silverside, he loves it!