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How long til Jerry's gone????

Well myself and a couple of co workers were sitting around comiserating about the Mets less than stellar performance so far this year. So we decided to make a little bet to make the games worth watching. We have a three way bet "What day will Jerry Manuel be fired?" Loser buys the other two lunch @ Manna's Hamburgers.

I took June 7th. They will have played everyone in their division 2x and getting ready to play the Marlins over the weekend. I don't think they'll fire him on the road like they did to Willy.

Think I'm way off?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I thought this was a poll to guess when people would stop calling you Jerry. LOL. Sorry, not sure when he'll get let go! We haven't watched a whole lot of Mets ball this year. I think we're waiting on a hot streak. LOL.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Phyl said:
I thought this was a poll to guess when people would stop calling you Jerry. LOL.


As for the hapless Mets . . . it's a sad state of affairs in Flushing these days. I think your estimate of June 7th sounds about right but knowing Omar and his sense of timing, it'll probably be the week before the All Star Game with the Mets just coming off a 9 game winning streak (their record will still be 22 & 60, though!).
Phyl said:
I thought this was a poll to guess when people would stop calling you Jerry. LOL.

I don't that will ever stop. I've even had consultants at work call me Jerry. LOL

JohnS_323 said:
...it'll probably be the week before the All Star Game...

I hope not, that's the time my co woker picked.
May 27th.

Because that will be right after a 5 game homestand where we'll probably get eaten alive by the yankees and phillies and people will have bags over their heads at citi field. We'll probably save on game with Santana (assuming someone on the offense can hit with RISP).

Heck my company ALREADY had extra tickets to tomorrow nights game and next weeks game. Goes to tell you that nobody wants to waste time to see the mutts lose series after series.

The only bright spot is francoeur and if he reverts to form/career - he'll be striking out every 2 ABs soon. ::)

Bad enough I hear from all the yankee fans in my family - let alone the phillies fans on this board - i get snarky emails from my co-workers in St.louis. Apparently in St. Louis they refer to us as Pond Scum.
ike davis seemed pretty unaffected by all the hype on him. 2-4 rbi. THat's already better than tatis/jacobs.

Every time I see joel pinerio pitch a great game for the angels or vlad the impaler g hit for the rangers - i really think omar needs to go. But with 4 million left on his contract - he's going to be around.

If they can string a few wins against this cubs club - and beltran is able to get back the way arod got back for the yanks last year - they might make an interesting third place team. Until I see pitching though I don't see playoffs or wildcard.
ghost427 said:
Omars gone before Jerry. Depending how the homestand goes. It could be by May 1st.

he's got 4 million left. no way the maddoff losing owners of the mets will let him go.
Yeah I think Omar lasts longer than Jerry. I've never heard of a team firing the GM & the manager in the same season. I don't know what Jerry makes but it's got to be less than Omar.

Ike looked pretty good, but they were playing the cubs after all. I'd to see F Mart in center also until Beltran comes back.
angel pagan is pretty good. I don't think fernando would get the playing time he needs.

I saw an "aaron heilman" sighting - didn't know he moved to arizona. 7.11 ERA...2 HR's...early in the season but with 2 blown saves - he's pretty atrocious. at least that was one move omar did right.

I am disappointed that we signed a guy like catalano (and jerry has the idiocy to bat him cleanup) and not a stand-up guy like Endy Chavez. He brings no offense but late inning defense and really the fans love the guy.
Instead of worrying about all that mets stuff, Just start rootin for the Yankees! Guaranteed you'll be happier come October ;D
i was wrong. After taking 2 of 3 from the yankees and now at least 2 of 3 from the phillies - it looks like mr. manuel is going to be staying past my guess of may 27.

too bad - i think his management (especially of the relivers) is horrid.
I know I'm worried that they'll give him a 3 year extension off this little run. I think Jerry's an idiot. Who sits down a player after a 3 for 4 night or pinch hits GMJ (who's batting avg. is .125) with runners in scoring position.

It's ironic that they didn't start winning until 3/5ths of Omar's starting rotation hit the skids.
In the game the Mets lost to the brew crew - Jerry had this lineup:


What knucklehead puts Tatis in cleanup when Ike davis had a day off?

He left like 4 guys on base that game.