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How many people here run a NeoZeo/Zeovit based tank?

I started about 3 weeks ago with Brightwell's NeoZeo (in a Kent Phosphate reactor, which works really well for shaking it up).

Noticed tremendous growth and coloration right off the bat. I bought a Superman monti from GregW and a crayola acropora from him. The acro had fallen on the monti at his house and there was a hole in the monti from the contact. Hole is already almost completely covered and the growth on the acro is noticeable. Just after 2 weeks of being in the Zeo tank.

For a n00b to a Zeo based tank, I don't find it at all hard to keep up with the maintenance (aka shaking the Zeo a few times a day to release the mulm into the tank and all of the other dosing to go along with it). After the first few days, it simply became part of my routine.

Curious, anyone else out there running a Zeo tank?
Let me jump on this and be the first.

I am running Zeo, and dosing the additives has become a part of my daily routine. Also using some Brightwell products.

Have been happy with the results. I dropped out of it for about 6months (kids) and allowed the tank to slip. Corals lost color and tank slumped.

Got back into it again and running it and the colors are back and coming around on just a few other stubborn corals. I have been happy with the system and what it has done for me.

As with any well run system, Zeo requires that you keep a well balanced system and keep up on it, as does any other system out there. Water changes, clean skimmer, parameters in check, low phosphates.

I know that there are alot of people running the Zeo additives, not full systems, and are happy with what they see.
I am one of the person that are using BWA for almost 5 months now minus the NEOZEO..

I am happy on my colors and growth.. Last swap I chat with Chris about his product. So far I will continue using and will start dosing my cube.
I'm not running full Zeo, but using some of their supplements. So far good results with color, growth and PE.
not necessarily looking for fast growth but I would like to get more color do any of their supplements encourage color more than growth or do they coincide? where do you get these supplements?
I only use 2 Zeo products and am thrilled so far with the results. As my system matures, I'll probably add more of their products. :)
reeferwanabe said:
not necessarily looking for fast growth but I would like to get more color do any of their supplements encourage color more than growth or do they coincide? where do you get these supplements?

Both Aquatic Obsessions and Tropiquarium now carry Brightwell NeoZeo products.


if your not useing the zeolith media or neo zeo you cant get the full advantage of a bac system. My 300 gal system using 3000 grams of zeolith stones test at 0.00 po4, and its completly overstocked with coral and fat well fed fish.Completly alge free. No po4 media as in gfo is used to keep po4 low its done all with bac and a fuel source.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Stan are you back to using the full system? Last we spoke you weren't using the rocks (those words come from memory so excuse me if they're not the RIGHT words!


Phyl said:
Stan are you back to using the full system? Last we spoke you weren't using the rocks (those words come from memory so excuse me if they're not the RIGHT words!

P correct im with rocks


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If you don't mind me asking, what made you go back to the rocks?


Phyl said:
If you don't mind me asking, what made you go back to the rocks?

you have to come over with your big nikon, you will then see why... :eek:

color and growth is off the chart with the amonium cut from the cycle. super clean tank and rocks crisp bright sps coloring no burnt tips and no basel resection. Its good without the rocks but way better with, plus im focased on the sticks not the zoa's. seems like this product brightwell's is more forgiving then the other bac based system's.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Are you using Brightwell now?

I've been saying for 3 weeks that we have to stop in. One thing just keeps leading to another. Maybe this weekend... I don't think there's anything other than a little shopping on our agenda (for a change).