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I don't know what it is, and I can't get rid of it.

I believe it was introduced about a month ago. I filled up a bucket for a water change, and I guess the bucket had a little water in it from a previous water change. I didn't realize this, but when I dumped the water in the tank, all of a sudden I saw that this type of algae, or whatever it is, had entered as well. I've tried siphoning, netting it out, filter socks and powerheads to get it into the coliumn...everything...but nothing works it just grows. Does anyone know what it is or how to get rid of it?





Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Looks like cyanobacteria. Not sure if that's spelled even close but there's lots and lots of info on controlling it. It's also commonly known as red slime.
looks like cyano to me. one thing, if its forming around the glass that much, you dont have enough flow. also, are you using ro water or tap? how long do you have your lights on? how much and how many times a week are you feeding? what are you feeding? these are all thing we need to know to help you. all of these are things that would have to do with cyano....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Looks like dynoflagelletes to me. Any chance you're using Red Sea salt?
If it stays together when you try to remove it's cyano. But if it disappears into the water it's more likely dinoflagettes. Cyano is a PIA but will eventually go away, dinos are just plain evil.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Dynos also feed on silicates which is why water changes with Red Sea Pro exacerbates the problem. That salt is loaded with them.
Hey everyone, sorry I never responded to this, I haven't been on since that day. I solved the problem with 2 days of light shock. The reason it looks as though there isn't flow is because I had the power heads turned off. I actually have about 2500 gph of flow in there. Also, the algae wasn't sticking to the glass, although the picture does look that way. It was stringy and it floated around the tank whenever I blew the rocks off. The picture actually shows it just floating all over the water column.