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i want another Banggai

Here is a pic of the one I have. Is there a way to tell if it is male or female, and what else do i need to make sure of (other than captive bred) before getting another? I don't want a fight in my tank and only wind up with only one anyway.

There is no way surefire way to tell. They say that the second dorsal fin is longer in a male but because of fighting is unreliable. My female's fin is actually longer than my male's. If you watch them, a male may occasional puff up his jaw. I have a male in QT. If you put in a 2nd banggai and they fight, then you know you got two males. Fighting will not be immediate without a female. If they don't fight, still won't know. Can just be 2 females or a pair that don't want to match up. If you want, you can bring him to me and we can put in a breeding cage in my tank. My male will tell you within seconds what sex yours is.
if I can catch him(or her) I would be game for that but it will not be for a week or so if that is good for you. Where are you located.

I'm in West Windsor right by Princeton and Lawrenceville. To be honest, there's no reason to determine its sex. Just get another and if they don't match, I'll buy one off you.

Buy a cheap floating breeder net/cage. They're like $4-$10. Put your new banggai in there in plain view of the other. Let him be there a few days and watch what they do. If you see the one in the cage cringe, then you got two males. If no attacking in 2 weeks, then you either have 2 females or a possible pair.