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Anyone know what this is? Thought it was supposed to be an active coral (polyps and whatnot) but I haven't seen a thing.... ideas? So far it's just sitting there housing the tiny crabs taht came with it
Unless I've got my blindfolds on (which happens occasionally), it looks like an extremely unhappy/dying stony coral (SPS). Was it that color when you got it? How long have you had it? And what kind of crabs are in there? Unless they're acro crabs, I'd either chuck 'em or throw 'em in the fuge until you know they're not harmful to the coral. It also looks as if your toadstool is touching it, which would be a big no no.
Same color as when i got it. there are 2 or more crabs 1 emerald and some tiny pinkish ones.(they don't leave the coral and don't seem to pick at it.)
Was doing some research to try to figure this crab thing out and found my culprits!

Also found a post that explains....
Crabs in my reef? Yes a Coral Crab (Trapezia ferruginea) 3/10/07
Hello Again Bob,
<Hi Brian, Mich here tonight!>
I found some crabs hanging out in a couple of my Acropora corals last night. I have pulled them out of the reef, but still have no clue what kind of crab they are. There are 3 photos below if you could tell me what you think they are it would be greatly appreciated.
<This looks like a Coral Crab (Trapezia ferruginea). They are reef safe and eat mucus off their host coral. They usually hitchhike on stony corals and are typically hardy when provided a host, which is usually a Pocillopora spp. or a Stylophora spp. If you want them to live, and you should, they need to be returned to their respective corals.>
Thank you!

I've decided to name him Ninja because he has a black colored eye band and he's very sneaky. 8)
agree with wendy - that coral looks bleached. I'm not sure of the crabs. All are omnivores and while someone may claim they eat "mucus" - I say if you had the choice between a meaty coral polyp (or the food in the polyp) - versus "mucus" - i would think they choose the seafood buffet.