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Is purple up worth dosing?

NO purple up is an alkalinity builder,
with that said keep your parameters stable,
alk 8-10 DKH
calcium 450-500 PPM
mag 1350-1400PPM
PH 8.0 - 8.3
proper lighting and your purple Coraline algae will grow

either dose 2 part or run a calcium reactor and top off with Kalkwasser water

there are no short cuts any thing that happens fast or overnight is not good
a stable tank with the parameters I listed above will grow coraline
have to figure out how to edit my posts ::)
I hope I didn't come over as harsh!
purple up is only one part of the equation all it really does is add alkalinity to the water
but ion order for it to be stable you need the proper levels of magnesium and calcium
I just keep my mag and calcium up and Im getting tons of purple coraline , and my tank is only 5 months old. why add stuff if you dont need it is my moddo ;D.
alright thank you, just seeing if it was worth using/trying .. so B-ionic parts 1and2 would be a smarter investment then huh?

i have kent calcium and kent alk right now .. but ive heard some decent things about b-ionic
B-ionic is the ticket if you have a large tank it can be expensive
I use B ionic along with a ca reactor
the Bi ionic gets me to where i want to be than the ca reactor keeps it stable
Those two part products due work well but the $ not so great.I would go buy a two part in bulk and save a ton of cash.Works just as well and its easy to use with there two part calculator.
I just kalk drip overnight, every night. Much cheaper and parameters are always stable. The new pod has been up for 3 months now and even the Marco rock is turning purple.