• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

January meeting - 360 review. Comments requested


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
hey guys. It was an awesome meeting and and well appreciated turn out for this event.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the members and vendors that’s have supported the club this past year as we transitioned the club.

I would love to hear some feedback on the meeting from those who attended and even those who didn’t. Would also love to hear from the vendors that were in attendance go get their feed back.

All commentary is appreciated. We learn more from constructive criticism then from compliments. So don’t be shy!!!


NJRC Member
As requested...
  • The venue was a bit cramped.
  • There weren't enough parking places.
  • Did all the vendors have enough sales to make them actually want to do this again?
  • What was the turnout count?
  • With all said and done, did NJRC make or lose money on the event?
  • If we can get a larger venue next time, suggest we offer free table space to paid up members for the sale of their used equipment. (Used equipment ONLY so there is no conflict with any of our supporting vendors.) I think this would result in more attendees, especially if member sellers could post their equipment availability lists in the meeting thread. I think this would make for more activity and interaction at the event, and provide an added benefit for our dues paying membership who might have something to sell.
  • There wasn't any mustard for the heroes.
  • And, worst of all, there weren't enough pickles for the available hero sandwich volume.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Thanks for the input Bob.

Here are my thoughts.

  • The venue was a bit cramped.
- This was a great problem to have. I was really concerned that we would have more vendors than members at this meet the turnout was good. I was even shocked with Tulio and Joy from Reefbrite showed up and scolded me for not inviting them.
Needless to say. This was a proof of concept that if you build they will come. I have a lot more confidence now in member turnout and understand the importance of advance planning and advertising. More to come !!!!!
  • There weren't enough parking places

  • - I was so focused inside I forgot to mention that we can park around and above. Again my mistake on that one

  • Did all the vendors have enough sales to make them actually want to do this again?

  • From what I heard back so far the vendors were pleased with the event and sales were sufficient. Will inquire more and report back for sure

  • What was the turnout count?
  • We had about 25-30 members show up and 4 vendors

  • With all said and done, did NJRC make or lose money on the event?
  • Still tabulating. But I believe we broke even
  • There are a few changes coming down the pike on this. A lot of things have changed sponsors like to give items and not cash. So that puts the onus on the club to hustle and convert those products to cash so that we can cover our expenses and benefits provided. In order for this to happen we might:
  • switch to an auction style for all hard goods while maintains the raffle format for frags
  • Incorporate more 50/50 raffles
  • Add more catering events and include a door fee whenever this is provided

  • If we can get a larger venue next time, suggest we offer free table space to paid up members for the sale of their used equipment. (Used equipment ONLY so there is no conflict with any of our supporting vendors.) I think this would result in more attendees, especially if member sellers could post their equipment availability lists in the meeting thread. I think this would make for more activity and interaction at the event, and provide an added benefit for our dues paying membership who might have something to sell.
- Pre sells were allowed as always and members where able to hustle among themselves as they saw fit. However. When a vendor is spending 100 to get and then needs to compete with a used apex when he trying to sell is not a fair proposition. I need point no further than MACNA in Vegas when insider were winning all the prizes to see how much of a punch in the guy that is.

My apologies on the condiments proportions I will pickup a huge jar of each for you at the future meet. Provided you bring back Will to the club (aquatic obsessions ).
  • There wasn't any mustard for the heroes.

  • And, worst of all, there weren't enough pickles for the available hero sandwich volume.

Thanks for the feedback. Greatly appreciate it
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I'm a brand-new member here and had a great time. Being new, I was thinking that it might be nice to have "Hi, My name is..." stickers so that it is easier for newer people to get to know the other members. It would even be nice to have space on the sticker fo both real names and web-site names. Usually, name tags would get an eye-roll from me but in this case it would've been good.

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
I was one of the members who was unable to attend.

Going by the images posted and things I have heard it sound like the event went off well. Now persoanlly the format wasn't what I thought it should had been but that had nothing to do with me not attending.

I am happy to see a large turn out by not just members but also vendors and hopefully this is something that can be held every year.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thanks the members who worked hard on getting this event going. I know how much work it takes to get an event going and most of the time these actions are over looked. Great job everyone!


Staff member
Yes that was my fault....I neglected to post on there but I'll definitely make that happen the next time.