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Lets see some before and after photos of your tank.


NJRC Member
So I was thinking, let's share some before and after pics of our tanks.

Where was your tank this time last year(or if it hasn't been up that long, show us how far you've come) and where is it now... is it better now or worse?
If it's better what have you done to get it where it is?
If it's worse, what do you think happened? And what's your plan to get back on track?

And lastly what's in the plans for the future of your system?

Heres mine, most of you all saw it Saturday, I'm pretty happy where it is now, but i was even happier about 3 months ago before i lost a mix of about a dozen acro frags and colonies.
When I moved my sump to my basement I caused a nutrient depletion and starved out the most sensitive corals. It's now back on the upswing and doing well.
My plan for the system is to add a second frag tank, and let the main display grow out for a few years. 20200215_143458.jpg

Heres a FTS, prior to my sump change.. and right after I added new lights(ecotech xr30w g4-non pro)20191228_193757.jpg
It's not a huge difference for most. But you can see how many acros are now missing. And I rearranged some coral to fill the voids afterwards.

Now finally, a picture from 1 year ago, my tank had first gen hydra 52s across the front and first gen hydra 26s behind them.

Just for fun, I'll go back another 6-8months to my tanks ugly stage...