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Lightning Question.

Thinking about getting a tek T5 fixture. I have a 65 gallon lps and softie tank. I'm thinking of 4x39, or 6x39 watt. Which one would be better suited for my setup.
i dont know about your setup. but i have a 20 (16" high) i went from 130 pc to 250 mh and all my lps and softys are doing sooooo much better. they have growth that i could only imagine with the pc. what ever you get, make sure to slowly acclimate your corals.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I would go with the 6 x 39 setup.

If it's possible... go with the Halides. The shimmer is worth it alone. 2 - 175 watt MH and 2 -  39 watt T5 sounds really nice.  :)

But if you are already set on the T5's alone then go with the higher watts. You will want to upgrade for sure... so you might as well do it right the first time! ;D


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Make sure you mount them very close to the water surface (if your going with t5 alone)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Nah, you have 192 watts right now.. going up to 234 watts shouldn't be a big deal. :)