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Live Rock Construction

So I've got my hands on some dead live rock. It is all dry. I have sometime in my hands before setting up my FOWLR. I want to construct some pillars and arches with these rocks. I have pieces that when placed together can make some really nice pillars. I have some questions in regards to constructing pillars.

I was thinking I could drill some holes in the rocks where two pieces will meet and place some PVC pieces and then glue with silicone. Am I on the right track or is there a better method? Also, what would be the best drill bit to use for drilling holes into live rock?

All advice and tips greatly appreaciated!

that's exactly what I did. Made pillars 24" tall just drilling a 7/8' with masonry bit, sliding down 3/4' PVC then connected them with epoxy and used rubble over the epoxy too make it look natural. I used 12" 3/4' masonry bit, think I paid $12.00 at depot. Did break a couple pieces of rock drilling just used them to make the connections more natural looking. I did in a customers tank, had two pillars with a couple of shelves for corals the an arch made basically the same. It came out real good looking with a lot of open space for fish to swim. Everything is real sturdy as well.