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Live stock question

I have two 29 gallon Biocubes. I would like to combine them into one 110 gallon tank. Before I do, I want to make sure everybody will coexist and coexist happily.

Tank 1:

2 Clowns
1 Rusty Angel
1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
Some Colt Coral and Pulsing Xenia
Blue legged Hermits
Astraea snails

Tank 2:

2 Clowns
1 Purple Pseudo
1 Strawberry Crab
Sebae Anemone
Blue legged Hermits
Astraea snails

My main concerns:

1 The Clowns, is 110 gallons enough for two pairs?

2 The Anemone and Coral

3 Emerald and Strawberry crabs

Thanks for any help

Mike Q


NJRC Member
I have 6 clowns in a 120 and they are happy together.
No guarentee the same would happen in your system though,I had 4 in a 75 and now theres only 1 so I guess it'***** or miss.Everything else would be ok but I would watch that rusty if you want todo zoo's or sps they would more than likely end up a meal for it.
What kind of clowns? All the same?

2 pairs of clowns competing for one host anemone might provide some interesting moments.

I'm not familiar with Strawberry crabs, I'd be nervous about most crabs and corals.

Anemones and corals can work, but be prepared for the 'nem to move around when you least desire it! I have an LTA in my softie tank for 3 years with no casualties, but he changes location every year or so.

As a matter of fact he's just recovered from a yearly jaunt that made a pitstop at the intake of a Seio powerhead. ::)
I have a pair of orange perc's and a pair of black perc's

The Anemone is in the tank with the black perc's and they do not bother with it at all.

Coloration might be in your favor too. I know it can work the other way if you put in two different fish that look alike they can go at one another. That is a good sized tank. If they are a pair I am sure you can find some to take them off your hands ;).
Thanks for all your help. If I do decide to combine the tanks, I'll keep one of the biocubes up and running for a little while. If there are any "issues" I'll pull the offenders out and offer them up here for free to a good home.

Thanks again

Mike Q
If you aquascape n such a way that you effectively split the tank in two by making a wall/semi wall of LR in the middle you might give them enough space to feel that they have their own territory. Same w/ the crabs.

That's if you really really wanna keep them and are willing to mold your tank into what they need, not necessarily what you want
Idk if pairs are any different but I've seen tanks with couple types of clowns and they were all happy. If all else fails I'd be interested in ether pair ;D lol
with the clown question - it's possible but it depends on what you mean by "pair".

Pair as in - female/male mated. Or as in - no idea what sex they are pair of juveniles swimming around happily?

If it's the latter - I don't see any problems. If they are both mated pairs - it could be an issue. But they are percs - which goes in favor of keeping them together. It would probably be a death match if they were maroons.
D190X, your clowns could actually be all the same species. Black clowns are usually false perc variants. You could try to introduce them all at once and see if a heirarchy gets established. But you run the risk that you get a mismatched mated pair. I'm more curious as to reefsandrotts' setup with 6 clowns.
Maybe I shouldn't have used "pair" I don't even think the orange clowns like each other.  So, maybe they are a mated pair, just kidding.

The Black clowns always seem to swim together.

Would they be better off in a 150 gallon tank?

Mike Q