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Lost Two, Saved Two

Sandy killed my power for five days, created 120 plus hours to my weekly work schedule, had no time to care for my tanks, the people came first.
Personifer Angel
Blueface Angel
Coral Beauty
Achilles Tang
Thompsons Tang
All SPS save three Monti's
Was forced to combine four tanks into to two, the Asfur ended up back in the reef, which has recovered better than I expected. My Torch is bigger than ever, not sure why. If anyone would like a few heads, I have them to spare, stopped counting at nineteen. A few pics of the reef and my Piglets, who never let me forget their there.IMG_0466.jpgIMG_0464.jpgIMG_0463.jpgIMG_0460.jpgIMG_0456.jpg


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Sorry for your loss but glad you were able to save what you can. The pictures are looking awesome.
We are so sorry to hear about your loss during Sandy. What a tragedy, hopefully things will regrow or you can begin building again :) We were so fortunate to be able to use one plug of my neighbors generator and I hooked up to my tank! The refrigerator food was the only thing lost!
Are you willing to ship a frag of the torch? We would like to pay you and help you get some more stuff.
Let us know,
Chad & Yessenia
I would prefer to helpout members who lost their systems, Torch Coral, Frogspawn and Grape Corals is what I can frag. My Orange Digitata survived, not enough to frag, but soon. I have Lyto phyton allover, if softies are wanted, Greenstar polyps everywhere. Purple Stylo can be fraged, talk to me. If I can keep someone in the hobby, I will.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sorry to hear about your losses.

Since you now have 2 empty tanks, any chance you'd like to start up a FOWLER? Tony and Terri have 4 beautiful, large fish that we rescued from The Dive Shop in Cherry Hill when they lost power from Sandy.

These are BIG fish so they would need at least a 150g or bigger. Also, definitely not reef safe as we already tested that out.

Two of them are angels too and I know you are a big fan so you might be a perfect candidate! The other two are a dogface puffer and a naso tang. Send me or adesimone1 a pm if interested.