• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

MACNA Sept. 4-6, 2015 - Washington DC

I really wanted to go, but I have to move my son into college on the Sunday. Was really looking forward to it. Hope it will be close next year. Still surprised they did it on Labor Day weekend.


NJRC Member
Anyone goes Friday, Sep. 4th that wants to car pool? Like to leave early in the morning to get there by 10am and come back 6pm or so.


Officer Emeritus
Counting down the days now. On vacation this week then a 4 day week followed by a long weekend.

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sept. 6th is my 35th Anniversary so if I want to make 36 I have to pass. Happy Wife, Happy Life!

I went today... first Macna event.... was nice.... some neat displays setup for sure. Some cool things available.... bad place to go if your a reef addict...lol


NJRC Member
I was there today. My first. Much bigger event than I expected and I spent at least 4 hours checking out the floor and listened to two talk. Bought some supplies but only one piece of sps, a deep water Fantasia frag from Jason fox. I enjoyed it very much.


Officer Emeritus
Just checked In to the hotel. I'm gonna get lost just getting from there to the bar. This is a pretty serious hotel!

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Officer Emeritus
Don't worry. In 18 minutes I'll be inside. Pictures will be forthcoming.

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Officer Emeritus

Scoly anybody!

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Officer Emeritus
I deliberately didn't take a cooler and the associated equipment to keep things good overnight so as to not spend money. Allthough after today and seeing some of the stunning Corals for sale I seriously considered buying a small heater and floating bags in the hotel sink overnight! In the end I decided to spend money on raffle tickets. Hopefully I win the 200g dd tank.

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Officer Emeritus
Well I didn't even realize I'd put tickets in the box and I won a pair of proaquatix black snowflake clowns. I have to pick them up by 11am tomorrow and don't have a cooler with me lol. Think these guys will be OK on the ride home for a few hours?

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Officer Emeritus
Yeah. There's a cvs just down the street. That's what I'm gonna do.

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Officer Emeritus
Well, there was some confusion between proaquatix and macna. They didn't indicate that you had to wait until Sunday after the show to pick them up which also caused a problem for their other winner. Fortunately Seth from proaquatix was very cool and is going to ship the fish to me when I'm ready at no cost! Quality guy.

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Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Congrats on the win. Really cool that the owner at ProAquatic was so cool.

We won the 30g JBJ from R2R and also a skimmer to NJRC represented at MACNA?