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macro lens

hello to all---
just a couple of questions concerning macro lens...
first let me tell you what kind of macro work i want to do...
1. closeups of nature--anything nature
2. close ups of fish tanks
with the type of job i have i have the availability of trying different focal length lens, like 28mm to 105mm with macro capability, 105mm with macro, 100mm with macro and theres been a few others, most of them are Nikon lens, but you get my point
now for the question--is there a better and best macro lens out there?
the cameras i have are the Fuji s3, and the s5
i know and realize that everyone has and uses different macro lens, so what types/names of macro lens do you use and of course, how do they preform for you, and do you use tubes with your lens
each of these lens I've used did work nicely, but with winter here, theres not much ' live ' nature out there!!! so I'm asking now to see which lens would be my best choice for taking both ' kinds ' of images

thanks for your time and info


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If I was going to take macro shots of things in nature (bugs, spiders, butterflies, frogs, etc) that I couldn't get close to without scaring them I'd be inclined to get the Nikkor 200mm micro. For our fishtanks a 105 with an extension tube is a good combo. That might well work for bugs and such far away in nature as well, but I've never tried it.
hi phyllis, good point about the 200mm
most of my close-ups are up close---i've used a telephoto,but you have to use it on a tripod, its somewhat heavy, and you cant move around as fast as having a smaller lens on the camera.
i like your combo, lens with tubes...that does sound interesting,for both, nature and fishtanks, and if i remember correctly, you purchased the tubes you use from, B&H photo? is that correct?
good, more for me to think about---
Yeah, B&H knows me by name. LOL.

. . . . and credit card number . . .

cool---so i can call them and say---Phllyis sent me LOL
only kidding, i would'nt do that
but thanks for the links
i would chose which brand i was going with before i chose which lens. if you put that much money towards a camera and lenses you will want to take pictures of other things. deciding if you want canon or nikon or any other brand really based off one lens isn't a good way to go about it if you ask me. ask around on fourms just like you did for that skimmer you have(assuming you did that for your skimmer if you even have one lol). people are going to tell you pros and cons about both brands. alot of people will tell you to go with what feels good in your hands. when you do this, don't just pick up the camera you are buying now, pick up the more expensive ones too. camera bodys come and go, you might have that more expensive one in a little. but back to macro lenses, the canon 100mm is pretty nice. the tamron 17-70 macro (for canon)is really nice too.
sorry for the rant there lol