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Meeting September 25th RSVP (Browns Mills 08015)

Phyl seems like every meeting they get a real good picture of u :)

looks like u guys had a great time
2 bad i coulnt make it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yeah Steve, I think they stand poised waiting for my "Dumb face of the month" to happen. And when it does flash flash flash the cameras go off like the night sky over a fourth of July celebration. Unfortunately they don't usually have to wait very long. I'm a pretty easy target. ;D

Bummer you couldn't be there. It was like MACNA all over again with the member raffles on dry goods!
I had a great time. Thanks Jen and Kerry.
I do have one question though. We all had to take our shoes off at the door but in the picture Chis has his shoes on. How can that be, trick photography i guess. LOL



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
BobCReef said:
I had a great time. Thanks Jen and Kerry.
I do have one question though.  We all had to take our shoes off at the door but in the picture Chis has his shoes on.  How can that be, trick photography i guess.  LOL


I thought I was the only one who noticed that...

And also.... Above the pic. of Phy it says...next on the agenda...

That should be changed to....Damn! I brought the wrong agenda... :eek:
Great pics everyone.
ReefDrumz, Yes Damn, I brought the wrong agenda. LOL

Phyl, I think we are going to do a montage of your pictures. Hmm, maybe for the December social?



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Whats up with that?????? You guys having fun without me??????  Whhhaaaaaaa, I wanted to be there. :'(



"Dang!!! I brought the wrong agenda!!!



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I still want to see the picture of the tank trim that was taken here: