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more flow really?

I just added a K2 in place of a Knano in my 29g. Now I have 2 K2's and the flow still doesnt seem like its enough! 1200gph! They are both in the top corners of my tank so they agitate the water surface well. Some parts of the tank are still very low flow, I may need to go K2 and K3 now. Or, I may keep those where they are and add the Knano in the middle to even it out.

What I do like with the added pressure is that some of the brown stuff in the sand is lifting into the water column and my skimmer should take care of it in the next 24hours. Does anyone else out there have lots of flow in their small tanks?
You may be experiencing a situation where the flow is getting broken up before it has a chance to reach its full potential.

Some of us were at a workshop/talk given at MACNA that spoke about creating a "gyre" effect, or circular motion across the tank by placing the powerheads at one end pointing across the length of the tank.

I've been running this way since that MACNA workshop, and have seen interesting developments with coral health, fish behavior, and former "dead spots". Amd I'm only using a K4 and a K3 in a 90 gallon tank.

The concept is that the potential energy of the flow from the powerheads is often interrupted, or never allowed to reach its full strength by giving it short distances to go, as well as often causing multiple powerheads to "fight" with each other by pointing them head on in an attempt to cause "turbulent chaotic" flow.

By allowing the powerheads to form a "gyre" and thus achieve laminar flow across the tank, the structures in our tank will "break up" the flow and cause the turbulance needed.

Sometimes adding more powerheads, or bigger powerheads isnt the answer, rather, allowing the ones we do have to operate to their fullest potential is.

Might want to give it a try, even if only for a few days. You might be happy with the results.
I placed mine both at the left side facing directly across the tank. Just low enough below the surface to continue to agitate the surface, but not so close to the top that they "splashed".

If you decide to try it, keep me posted on how it works out for you.
I've been running this way since that MACNA workshop, and have seen interesting developments with coral health, fish behavior, and former "dead spots". Amd I'm only using a K4 and a K3 in a 90 gallon tank.

So you are just running the K3 and 4 from one side of the thank. No timers - nothing? I have a 75 with a Red sea wave master - 3 1200 maxi and a K2. Never have been real happy with the flow. Also, By K I'm assuming u mean the Hydo Koralia ??

Yup. that's it. The concept is to create that laminar flow, that gyre effect that forces water across the top and back to the pump across the bottom in a circular pattern. By placing the powerheads on the left side of the tank facing across the tank, it gives them a chance to opperate at their full potential too, and thus requires fewer powerheads in the tank.

Do a search for Jake Adams and water flow. There's alot more to it than that, he talks about needing more flow with more light as well for proper respiration of corals.
I had missed jakes presentation at MACNA mainly because we didn't want to get out of bed. I googled some info and got the jist of it, very interesting concept and makes alot of sense. For the moment, i switched around some pumps. had another K2 that I added but that only makes it half way across. Looking at either the k3 /4 como.. or the hot ticket is the MP40.... need to get the sump done first.
Nanoreefchris: How did you make out? Did you make any changes? What were your results so far?

Bob: What changes did you make? What have been your results so far?

Sorry! Lol! I'm curious to see others that have made similar changes and what their results were.

I just recently upgraded my two smaller powerheads, to one larger powerhead. I'm seeing much better sand surface clearing and almost NOTHING in the way of algae growing on the back glass now, even with nothing pointed at it to keep it clear. Additionally, oddly enough, I'm seeing the best rock cleaning at the FAR end of the tank. Still have some hair algae growing on the rocks closest to the powerhead, but the surface its growing on is kind of in the "center" of the circular flow, if that makes any sense. Frogspawn is a little agitated by the additional flow, but I'm going to move him in a day or so and see how he does.
I tell you what.. After reading this, I am going to try it out. I have two Maxi-1200's. Both in the back corners angled towards the the front. They might be competing with eachother towards the middle. I also have a K2 that I can toss in there.


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NJRC Member
In my 75g I have two K3's. One is on the right side angle toward the front middle. The second is on the left side a bit lower angled to the back middle. I was trying to get a circular sweep and seems to be working.
I still have too many dead spots. I need to rearrange the rock and change the pumps... I have 2 k2, and one maxi 1200... dosen't cut it. Although it did start to move alot of ditrius... I bought a mp40 so I can get rid of all the other power heads (5 total now) at the hidden reef on Sat (20% off day). Did ask, but didn't check to make sure it had the wave driver and it dosn't. need to exchange it. Did pick up sump parts, so once that is in, I'll mess with the flow some more. Was nervious about moving too much ditrius and not exporting it from the tank fast enough.

Good plan. I have my eye on those pumps! Just can't make myself spend the money right now. Definitely on my "build list" for the 210 though, especially as big as that tank is!

That is one thing that Jake mentioned in his workshop. "Storming" the tank. Just not too much all at once if it isn't something you already do regularly. Even before I moved the powerheads, I used to "storm" the tank with a turkey baster or small powerhead pretty regularly, so it didn't really concern me that much. Even with that practice in place, I was surprised at the amount of crap the powerheads pulled out from under and inside the rock structures.

The other thing was making sure the pump could reach at least 2/3 the length of the tank.

I don't seem to have "dead spots" per se, but I do have lower flow spots where the rock structures break up the flow some.

Keep me posted.
I have a 90 as well and I keep getting brown I gues its detrius all over the rock and glass. I have a k3 and k4 as well as a small rio. I have the k4 all the way to the right facing left towards the over flow the k3 on the back of the tank facing forward to the glass and the rio all the way to the right facing left. I also have the retun pump split and facing right. Would your method help with detriutus? also explain where i should put the pumps.