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my 20 gal reef tank

just checkin in with everyone sorry i have been quite busy lately...i quit working at the Aquarium Center over a month and half ago and have been concentrating on my own business of floor laying...I am starting my own company so anyone needing flooring before the holidays please drop me a message .or email me at islandboy1@comcast.net

i added a sebrae clown, a bubble anemone that the clown loves but is isn't quite big enough yet to hide in, 2 emeralds...dancing shrimp my pencil urchin..and some snails...trying to get some more live rock before i start collecting my corals...

well my tank is still going strong...i have a variety of corals in there now...some include:

a yellow polp colony that is multiplyin more as the months go on..

3 zoo frags that are starting to branch onto other rocks

rock anemone , bubble tip and a curly cue anemone

toadstool leather and a colt coral

acro frag of birds nest..

mandarin and a clown

dancing shrimp, 3 emeralds

few snails

parameters are stable and tank is doing great imma post a pic on soon
need some guidence...i have a toadstool leather that was doing great...well now it looks not so....its polyps were out for a few days and then it went into remission with the glazy layer on top...well that cleared away but now its got white blotches on the head in a few spots...what should i do...everything else is doing good and the tank is fed pretty good with marine snow,,,DT..and zooaplex....i need help


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
There's a chance it is starting to frag itself, which they do when stressed or if the angle changes too much so that they aren't angled to the light the way they want to be. At least IME, anyway. Mine does this from time to time. Is it still firm to the touch? Did the polyps come back out?
they came out a little yesterday but only got a little time...so this is norm...i was thinkin about cutting it to make a smaller frag...is this hard to do?
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here is a pic of my tank....its going pretty good...i only lost a six line wrasse because it got sucked up into my filter...my yellow polyps are multiplying...my zoos are spreading out on different rocks...i had a toadstool leather that was goin down hill so i cut it up and today i noticed new growth on the frag i left in the tank...water circulation is good, i have to fix my protein skimmer so right now i just have a aqua clear 20 on it with sea gel and algone in it plus a foam block...i recently put a Coral Life 2x65 watt with lunar light fixture on my tank...what a difference plus it gives my 2 girls something to look at night instead of a dark tank...the corals glow so that impresses them....
o yeah forgot to mention the mandarin and clown that i have in there....by the way that bristle worm problem no longer exists,i pulled one out the other day with needle nose he was about 6 in long and the other one i squished his head and haven't seen him for 2 weeks...i have the following

acro frag of birdnest orange body-green polyps
toadstool leather
rock anemone
curly q anemone
bubble tip anemone( my clarki clowns house)
3 small frags of multiple color zoos..
nice little colony of yellow polyps 9 heads
nice colt coral purple in color< (((n e one want a frag of it for trade let me know i need mushrooms

3 emeralds
3 hemrit < 1 zebra 2 blue legs>
clarki clown
psychodelic mandarin
2 nassarius snails
2 turbo snails
Well Well.. I see you are coming along nicely.. Things are working out for you pretty well.. I see you are enjoying the softies alot. So glad you are keeping this thread updated.. Just don't worry about people posting to keep you interested. Us nanites have to stick together. Don't expect much from the 180+ club. Unless they have owned a nano usually they don't visit us to often ;) lol...

Good stuff.. Keep it coming!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
mynd said:
Don't expect much from the 180+ club. Unless they have owned a nano usually they don't visit us to often ;) lol...

Hey! I resemble that remark! LOL!

I do wonder how many of the non-nanites read these threads. That would make an interesting poll.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I read them, just don't understand too much about them. Trying to learn a little here so I can set one up one day.
How long have you had the mandarin? Just wondering because you may need to somehow train it to eat non-live food (difficult but possible). I was only thinking that because I'm not sure if there are enough pods in 20g tank to sustain a mandarin. Good luck!
the mandarin has been in the tank for over a month now...he feeds off of live brine whenever i throw that in the tank, plus he feeds off the rock and live sand...i have been also using reef bugs from mark weiss ...he seems very happy and content to be in the tank...i just added 6 more pounds of live rock and a bi color pseudo...


POTM Winner
nano guy
the tank is looking good. i just setup a 15 gallon 3months ago and have a clown and citron goby in it .i have 130 watt pc lighting and 20 lbs od live rock and 10lbs of sand.i also run a wet ry sump and two phosban reactors one with carbon and the other with phosban.
ph 8.3
temp 78
alk/kh 8.0
ca 370ppm
sal. 1.023
i just went to value pets today in pensauken to pick up some salt and seen a nice frag of frogs spawn for just 25 bucks...well worth it...just hope they have them still next week... i think the next coral i put in if its not the frogspawn its prolly gonna be a hairy mushroom rock...

i run my sal in the tank around 1.024
ph / alk are good
nitrate still around 20ppm
dont know what my cal, mag, iodine, levels are cause i dont check them..
i just wanted to update this forum topic...i added to clown gobies in the tank along with a red crab....i have 2 little xenia branches growing off a rock...i bought a frag 4 months back that melted away within 2 days....so i am thrilled that the xenia is making a comeback....i am having a problem with green hair algae so if anyone can come up with a solution that would be great...i have 6 turbo snails 4 hermits and 3 emerald crabs....should i add more hermits ??? how about a tang in a 20 gal tank???any suggestions would be great
I don't think a tang in that sized tank is a good idea, I looked because I wanted one. I couldn't find a single person who would say yes(thus letting me get one).
yo any of u guys want to buy my colt let me know its healthy and nice purple color but its gettin too big for my 20 gal..let me know