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My soon to be upgrade

Well today I picked up a 22" cube x 10" tall and a 12" cube that I had built for me. The 22" cube will be used for a few things,

1.Anenome and my soon to be snowflake clowns
2.Frags to be sold
3.Fish that had been QTed will first go to the cube before the DT to make sure there eating 100% and are nice and fat incase they decide not to eat for a lil bit once in the DT.

Since the tank is only 10" tall I decided to go with 4 24w T5's over it. I replumbed my ATB from the closet to under the stand. And now instead of being plumbed directly from the overflow, now the overflow goes to the cube then from the cube goes to the ATB, down into the sump. I also added my dosing pumps to dose B-Ionic until my tank can handle a calcium reactor. Here are a few pics I took today enjoy :)







Well I ordered a sunpod 150w HQI w/ phoniex bulb for the 22" cube. And a light and filter for the QT. Should be here in a couple of days. Ive been tring to find a smalll purple or blue carpet anenome for the cube for the snowflakes im getting but no luck so far. Figured start it in the cube then if they host it and when they get bigger and fat along with the carpet I would move it to the DT