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Mystery clown goby with furry head?!!?

Hmm... so I have a rare, furry headed mountain dew green clown goby... lets get with listing the creative new names!

Furry Dewdrop clown goby?
We've named him Dewy since he is the exact color of mountain dew... he's seriously like a yellow/green highlighter color.
Well I still have no idea exactly what he is, though I've found references to other "furry/fuzzy" gobyish (not true gobies from what I'm reading) such as:Caracanthus Typicus/ fuzzy nut goby so at least I think he's healthy whatever he is.
Got an ID on him last night from WWM, Emerald coral goby / Paragobiodon xanthosomus. Apparently it lives its whole life in a birds nest coral, usually in pairs or small communities of females w/ one male. Of course I have the poor lonely little guy in a 8g stock biocube which I don't think can support a birds nest :(
Would a birdsnest survive in a stock 8g biocube? It's only 2 18watt PC bulbs. I have a small frag of pocillopora that I could try... think that might work? I've grown that decently in PC before but in my 24g aquapod.