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Mystery Fish ID plz

My dad bought me this fish and i was wondering what it was? Anybody know? I think it might be a blue neon goby?
Thanks that is what i thought too. I was on liveaquaria looking at fish to see if one of hem looks like this one but then after failing at that . I was like o will take a pic and ask!
Dan.... Wait. Don't quote me on that yet. All the pics I see of neon gobies are black on top. Unless it just cant be seen due to the pic. Let someone else chime in to verify.
His mouth/nose area has that whiteish/lightblue color to it. there are 2 black stripes right outside the center of his face
Thanks i did the same thing and i have NEVER heard of a african cleaner wrasse. I have never seen it in any of my LFS that i go too. My dad picked it up near scarsdale,NY where he works


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
What size tank do you have and what fish? They basically will clean your fish to such a degree they can cause fish to jump out of your tank or stress. They also don't really do well in captivity. There have been studies that show when removed from a reef, the health of the reef crashes. Don't mean to be a downer, but you might want to do a lot of reading on them, they are not the easiest fish to keep.
LOL well i am screwed basicly i have a 55g a yellow tang, 2 tomato clowns and 2 purple firefish and some pain in the ass damsels that i want DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!

My dad bought it and he knows nothing about a fish tank and just dumped it in well he is still alive is the miricale. Preety neat fish tho.

It kinda sounds like a scooter blenny last 2 months then dead lol.
Your dad did a good deed, but I honest dont recommend that others buy you livestock. This case is no exception, I heard that these cleaner wrasses are difficult to care for. Just make sure to do some research Dan, hopefully he thrives. Make sure to let people know before they buy something for you, or just ask for a giftcard ;)
If you can take the fish back I would strongly suggest it. If it won't eat it is going to starve. Better you get a fish that can live in your tank.

The goby on the other side is a great fish to keep. I just got a pair from AO that are in my QT and they are little pigs and very interesting to watch.