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name a zoo

If you found a new zoo what would you name it. Post a pic of one you like and what you would have named it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Reminds me of a true story about Dr. Schleyer, a world renowned Organic Chemist at Princeton during the 70’s, who spent months…years, attempting to synthesis a new compound (very complex). In the end, he analyzed the new compound to verify the structure and it wasn’t what it was supposed to be. It was still a new compound, but not what he was attempting to synthesize. So he named it Bastardene, and the powers to be accepted the name.

Anyway, in regard to the new zoa name, I think I would have to see it first and see what inspiration I got from the colors. As an example: Oreo’s - black on the outside, white in the middle – the name fits the color combo. You've got to see it first!
I would have to agre with redfishbluefish; i'd have to see it firt before naming it. having said that:

Red: Visions of Johanna
Blue: Stella Blue
Black: Black Muddy River
Brown: Brown-Eyed Women
Yellow: Here Comes Sunshine
Green: Let it Grow

Million dollar question: What do these names have in common?????

Cool topic Bryan
If i found something like this
i would call them ultra violets

Or this
squashed Caterpillar
honestly IMO more then half if not all zoos have the fancy names so stores can make sales. its zooanthid sp. :D
or just like this thread you can make your own name, thats what everyone else does
Theres soooo many different morphs of zoa's everytime you think name one you can do a google search and someone named it already.
scooter1010 said:
How about.......
The New Zoo Review ;D

Wow I just realized how old I am..... I haven't seen that show since I was a kid.

Now I have the stupid theme song stuck in my head....only problem...I only know one line of it :eek: