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Nano-cube 12 gallon pump?

I think you can upgrade to a MJ 900. I think this is the pump I need but unsure. Anyone know of a good pump for 12 gallon nano?
Not sure what tank you have, so specifying what you need as far as a pump is not so easy. However, if you happen to have a AP or I think pretty much anything else but a jebo or odyssea or whatever they are calling themselves now. You can easily use a maxijet 900 on your tank. Stick with the 900 for low wattage consumption and heat. The 1200 is 20 watts and does not provide much MORE flow. The 900 will be just fine..
Sillily I am unable to modify my own message any more for atleast 30 minutes after a post. This is ridiculous. But what I was going to add in my last post was that if you happen to have a jebo then you need to replace your pump with what they sell online since the connectors are usually square and connect to some plastic bars in their tanks.

What is the deal NJRC.. Why can't we modify our own messages now for at least 20 to 30 minutes?
use a maxi jet 400 I used a 900 on a 24 and it was to strong - depending on what you plan on keeping koralia nano for internal flow
I use a maxijet 1200 and its awsome.. I divert the flow one nozzle behind the rock and the other to the surface and It gives my nice flow.. no dead spots.. but No sand storm either..

When I had only one nozzle then It did create too much flow.. but now its great, no need for additional powerhead.