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Nano Question

I am now the proud new owner of a 12 Gallon Nano and have no idea what to do with it in regards to filtration .
What would be the best way to set up the rear compartments to have good filtration with minimal maintenance ? I really do not want to continuously clean pads,that is why I don't run filter socks on my tank . I also don't want chaeto ,I want to keep it all in one,no lights hanging on the back .

It did come with a skimmer, I will try to get it to work so I guess that only leaves 2 chambers .

Also while I'm asking questions.... Does anyone keep sps in theres,if so what lighting(stock hood still used please). Also flow upgrades without having a powerhead in the cube.

I already checked nanotuners and nano boards ,Thanks in advance Paul
sorry I don't have that model, you might want to ask the mods to move this to the nano section I'm sure a few people there have the same tank. Did you read up on nano-reef.com? When I originally set up my 24g aquapod and my 8g biocube I researched there extensively. For the 8g I did do a fuge mod (super easy and the light on the back only sticks out about 2" and could be sprayed black to match) on my 24g though I didn't do any external mods. I did however swap out the stock pump (pretty standard practice, check nano-reef etc to see what is recommended for your tank) and I also cut a new hole and mounted a locline with another pump for more flow. Lots of people use the rotating hydroflo (I think that's what its called, DFS sells them around $10) which I highly recommend for nanos. I use a bag of chemipure in the back of each of mine and purigen in my 24g also. I'd stay away from sponges, bioballs, etc. You can use some filter floss if you want but change it daily or at least every other day, I do use it in my 8g as I haven't added any sort of surface skimmer and it needs one, so the floss does that for now.

Good luck!
I have in first chamber heater and LR rubble, more live rock in second chamber only half way, with filterfloss filling rest of way.Been running a couple years now. I use a mj 900 pump.


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Staff member
I have a 12 gallon JBJ nano stock with no upgrades on it at all. Have been running it for about 5 months. You can try the skimmer, most nano skimmer are pretty poor in performance. They have the sapphire one on nanocustoms.com that is apparently pretty good. I used the sponges and carbon that came with it and change them out about every month or so. They are on petstore.com for about 4 bucks a piece so not to crazy. The only thing I added was chemipure elite which I just dropped into the back and it has helped. The powerhead on mine provides plenty of waterflow so I have not added any powerheads, but if you were I would go with the Koralia nano. We have 2 of the #2 on our 30 and they are great. I don't think you will be able to keep SPS without upgrading. I have had no problems with LPS and zoas but I think that might be my limit (You can check out my pics in this thread as well).