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Need an RO/DI system

Found the source of my continued nitrate battle ... the water I was getting from the LFS. Oh well.

So I guess now is the time, even though we only have a small 14g nano, to get an RO/DI. I heard that our water company is going to Chloramine though so wasn't sure if that would impact any choices I'd make. Based on the upcoming group buy I was interested in the air water ice systems or buckeye field supply. Anyone have a recommendation? Thx.
This is the one I use. Frankly as a never-before user of RODI equipment - it was actually really straightforward to install.

typhoon 3

That stated - I don't like piercing pipes - so I also grabbed the hosey:

This little device is awesome when hooked to a utility sink.

The guys answered all my questions via email.

I think I also saw TBAquatics selling an rodi - I have no experience with that one though.


Staff member
NJRC Member
I bought mine on eBay, great deal. Only problem was the vendor never answered my questions. The instructions sent were detailed but all about hooking up under the sink. My questions were answered but the terrific people in this club. I opted for the garden hose adapter.
I am using a General Water RO/DI unit, one word "awesome". I bought it from another member here for $80 just replaced the feed valve and have been making 0-TDS using the DI and 16-tds just RO. have had no problems and its easy to set up.