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Neon carpet anemone!

idk if its just because its new to the tank but the anemone is like all dead looking and the inner mouth is filllllled with white stuff everywhere, ill try to get a picture tomo, the tank water also looks kinda mucky! Idk what to do guys! I drip acclimated and everything =/


NJRC Member
Hopefully it will come back for you. But I made the mistake of getting one of those when I first started and it started eating my fish with in two weeks. Mine even eat clowns.
please take a pic asap, if it is decomposing it will nuke your tank.

Decomposition begins with the mouth opening wide and their innerds coming out.

An anemone will decompose inside out first.
Well I found in this morning kinda slimey with stuff around it so i quickly threw it out and netted out EVERY bit of its remains.. clowns and pseudos seem to be doing fine still, n the plate and all corals are still opened.. Hmm.. I'll give it a day and see =/


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Run carbon to take out any toxins that may have been released and do a water change.
Hi sorry to hear you lost the anemone :-\

Just to touch off on them I know someone who bought 3 of these that died pretty fast in the exact same manner. They were all purchased from the same place but months apart from each other. I am wondering if they just are preprogramed to die if they are handled or shipped to the store in a certain way. My friends water was perfect and nothing else ever dies on him ??? . We also wonderd if these things were color dyed and that is what caused it.

At the advice of a local fish store in new york, I bought a Stichodactyla haddoni carpet anemone. I am happy to say it is 4 years old now and has survived alot, 1 broken leaky tank that left him out of the water for a few hours. The move from new york city to new jersey and 3 times it had to endure being in a brand new tank that had not cycled yet. Also this anemone is less sticky than the other carpets so its way less likely to eat fish. Not as pretty as the really colorful types but hardy as they come in my experience.
I think i might be able to explain some of the frustrations with anemones that hobbyist go through.

1. All Anemones in my opinion besides Cloned RBTA's or BTA's need to be observed a couple times over a week period while at a LFS to check to see if its deflated. I usually go three to four times in one week and if each time i go at different times the anemone is blown up with a tight mouth. I consider it a somewhat healthy specimen.

2. Your water is not as good as you think it is and your tank isn't as mature as your think it is.

3. An anemone is a simple creature with a foot that can grasp pretty damn hard. When collected, most anemones sustain internal damage to their foot. This results in them not being to grab on or dig down in the sand.

I would advise most people to go with a BTA and skip on the carpets and ritteri unless you have experience.
Barry gave you some good tips.

2-B) If your tank isn't at least 6 months old forget buying any anemone, I would suggest 1+ years for any tank less then 75G (OK unless you are tons better then me like Barry and very experienced).