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new tank

Well it's done now the wait begins..... ;D ;D ;D



My tiny fan rock
Nice tank. I like how it looks like it coming out towards you.

I suggest that you take the large base rocks and use them as your foundation and then place the other pieces around it. This will give it a more natural look because the pieces will be similar. Also, you will have more surface for placing corals. The base rocks are have a flat front.

From the looks of it you are trying to create a cave like appearance. You can still do it with the pieces you have.

Drain the tank about half way, get a beer and do some aquascaping. ;)
i like the caves they look cool, u can leave it like that for now & when the corals start to grow big thats when u remove some rock, thats what i did :)
keep up the good work.
Wow! Im surprised that the last two posts are telling you to leave the aquascape the way it is. It does not look natural,IMHO. The caves are cool. I personally love caves and overhangs. The only thing is that the rocks that create the caves make up the framework of his lr setup. Once he starts putting corals in he will have to redo everthing if he decides to move the rocks.

Its just a suggestion. In my mind I am looking at the tank 6 months from now when coraline should be growing well on the rocks. Even then the base rock will not have the same look as the Fiji-like pieces have now.
Thanks guys, I like the way the caves turned out. I don't plan on messing with it anymore. The rock is stable and eventually I hope to have the base rock covered with zoo's and such, just like you Steve. I got it to quite down a lot John, I really don't know what I did, I tried upgrading the return to 1" like Andy suggested but it got worse, once I switched it back to the way it was it was quieter than before, so I really don't know what changed, just glad it did..lol
You will definitely change the tank around. I dont think that there is anyone in this hobby that is completely satisfied with the way that their tanks look. lol. Its the nature of the beast.

I wish you the best on the tank. Keep us posted on its progress. 8)
tank looks good the base rock looks out of place but if you can get it covered with polyps and such it will be ok as far as having the perfect rock formation good luck lol i`ve changed my tank a couple times already and everytime i say this is the last time good luck