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NJRC College -- What's your schedule like?

Figured I'd post this since I had the day off recovering a bit from being in a car accident (2nd one in a few weeks and, again, not in my car -- lucky!).

Had the time to type up my schedule and I always think it's fun to see what others are taking.

Keep in mind that I'm a fifth year student who's changed majors about 4 times now (finally settled on Biology w/ Secondary Education Cert.) so my schedule is a bit random since I needed a few classes that I never bothered taking.

??? Orgo is only 2.5 hrs/week? I had 12 hrs of lab a week not to mention 4 hrs lecture and 2 hours recitation. Geez, kids today. ;)
calaxa said:
??? Orgo is only 2.5 hrs/week? I had 12 hrs of lab a week not to mention 4 hrs lecture and 2 hours recitation. Geez, kids today. ;)

Don't need the lab on my end this semester as I'm a bio major. ;)
I took bio my second semester of college, hated it. Then, I took a year off, well, am still in the process of taking off, and will be going back in the fall for energy utility technology.