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no skimmer on my 15g

i have a 15g with no skimer but i do a 2g water change every 4-5 days any idea if this is will work for long?
If you dont plan on keeping SPS its really not necessary. As long as your smart with your bioload and if you have a good amount of live rock too.
it only has to last a litle bit i need to find a way to fit my prizm i have on the tank the rim is 13'' square


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
With vigilent water changes and/or low bioload/coral warfare, a skimmer is competely unnecessary. Keep tabs on your parameters (Nitrates/phosphates) and you'll know when it is no longer "good enough".
i would skip the prizm. i tried this myself. 10 Gal with prizm. prizm is a pain to get to work right. i.e. wet/dry skim control is a bit tricky and it's pretty noisy too... i say what everyone said above. stay with water change and skip prizm.
You should be fine . Without the skimmer you will have to be more diligent on your maintenance and water changes. There are a few good threads on RC about skimmerless tanks . With the proper live rock,sand and a good flow it is possible to have a real nice tank going that way . I saw on one of the tanks where the person keeps some chaeto behind the live rock . Out of site but still doing its job and adding another form of fitration.
would a skimmer be necessary on a 15 with no LR?

i know every says have LR for natural filtration but i don't necessarily like the look and going for a coral graveyard look.

it looks clean and like the white. probably buy one piece of LR for holding my RBTA for a paired clown.
evo - liverock is in most cases dead coral, but I'm not really understanding what your tank plans are so please forgive in advance.

Bryan - weekly 10% waterchanges can have your nano running for a really long time. And by that I mean the upgrade or boredom bug. A lite fishload and SPS maybe had as well, but YMMV depending on how SPS nutty you get. :p A dollar store soap basket filled with cheato can be used as an intank refugium as well. But even a refugium is not necessary.

This tank ran for 2 years before I had to tear it down to move.
Just keep up your water changes and if you can find a way to do a refugium you are set. Phyl pointed out the chemical warfare problem but without a skimmer you can still run carbon phosbane or a combo.


POTM Winner
i have a 15 gallon without a skimmer and its been that way for the the last two months.the tank has been set up about 11months but i got tired of playing with the sea clone so i fiqured i give it a try without one. i do weekly water change and i only have 1 clown in the tank.so far so good!!
I have a 12g with no skimmer....

I just have two pumps and a fuge...

I have monti caps, digi's, acros and other sps with no problem at all.. they actually look betta than in the big tank..

just a water change here and there and keep up with top off...