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Pearly Jawfish is Expecting

My pearlies have been busy . The male is swimming around with a mouthful of eggs again . I guess its fair to say there a mated pair,or at least freinds with benifits . ;D
I wouldnt know how to raise them nor do I have the time so they will be fishfood. :'(
I could never dig him out of his burrow . And since there jumpers I wouldnt want to risk having him going surfing in a new setup .

you have any pics? They will require rotifers to start and then baby brine. It probably will take a lot of time but maybe next round you can give it a go.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Calaxa, If he were to be able to pull them from the tank, could he raise them? Obviously if left in the display they'd be eaten. Any idea how long the inc. period is?

You can get rotifer starter cultures from ReefNutrition. You just need to contact them.
Incubation for most jawfish is 7-10. Unlike banggai, they are extremely small. Not many reports of them being raised by home aquarists but has been done commercially. A rotifer culture can be started and be ready for low harvesting within 3-5 days. This round is probably too late. Best plan is to remove the pair and let them spawn again (spawning cycle is about 15-18 days).

I think if he tries to remove them now, the male will eject the eggs. More than likely, the male will burrow so deep, he can't remove anyway.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
So there's no hope without removing the pair? Bummer. I doubt he'd do that.
If you want to try this round and let nature takes its course, you can give it a go and add live rotifers directly to display. livebrineshrimp.com sells rotifer bags at $10 per 200k specimens. Can get the commercial kit for $30. I have never used them but was thinking about it.
This is there second time around . The male is not supposed to eat during caretaking but mine just leaves the eggs in the burrow and chows down during feeding time ? Very hard to take photo's of I posted some up last time, I will try to find them . I think if someone had the time it would be possible to tell when they are close to hatcjing . Everyday his mouth is filled more and what I can see the eggs are getting bigger .
Heres a photo from the last time, you can see the eggs in his mouth but they are real small in this photo . They are much bigger at this time ,looks like its getting close . I will keep an eye ,maybe Ill get lucky and get a photo befor there snacks . :(
