I’m really starting to get annoyed with my GHA problem since it encroaches on my frags and I am constantly cleaning off with a brush. It’s in the sandbed as well as all over the rocks. I have been sucking out every week and recently using a vacuum which takes out a lot. But once I’m done it seems like I missed so many spots. I am so frustrated. I have tried Flux rx no luck. I feed live phyto. I have Chaeto my nitrates are reading 7 but I’m sure they are a little higher due to the GHA and my phosphates read 0 which I know are not good but what gives. I have plenty of algae eating fish as well as a CUC which includes an emerald crab, tuxedo urchin, many snails of all types. What has worked for you guys. This has been an ongoing battle for months and I am really getting frustrated since all of my efforts have not done a thing. I am trying to stay clear of chemicals like Vibrant but considering peroxide. Since that seems to work when I dip. Only thing is I know peroxide is a Band aid fix but I really need this GHA gone! Please any advice what worked for you and didn’t kill your corals. Thanks in advance