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Powder Blue HLLE

I am at the end of my rope with this poor fish. I bought him in November and he did great for 12 weeks in QT then the weekend I was going to move him to my display tank he started with fin erosion. So I went and picked up meds from Trop. (my lfs) and treated him. It stopped the erosion and his fins slowly came back. so I started qt again with him (a new start date for 12 more weeks of observation and now his head and lateral line are turning white. Large areas of white on his head and a line down his side. He still eats like a pig and swims non stop. I just feel so bad for him I dont know what to do. treat again? or give him away free to someone with more experiance then I have. I just dont want him to Die.......... Water quality is good I do a 25% waterchange once a week... half new water and half from my Main system to keep the bacteria levels high in the tank. So water quality is Identical to my main system that recieves 10% weekly water changes.
What are you feeding it? It sounds like bad nutrition. Are you soaking it's food in amino acid supplements? Make sure to vary it's diet. Soak your frozen foods and nori in amino acid supplement and garlic. Also try a full spectrum frozen food. Things like brine shrimp don't carry a lot of nutritional value.
Mostly Tetra flake and Nori. I also bought some Ocean Nutrition Pellet but he does not like to eat that. somtimes I feed him frozen but I guess not as often as i should. I will find some amino acid suppement today was not aware i should supplement this....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Try a frozen food specifically for herbivores and if you have to feed flake I'd go with Ocean Nutrition as well.
This is the Bible on having healthy tangs that will never get HLLE. Fish like Tangs, Surgeonfish, Rabbitfish, etc. fall into this category. Land animals like cows, rabbits, horses, and human vegans are in this category! Would you feed your rabbit hamburger?
They are fish that live primarily on vegetation. They have digestive tracks to extract as much nutrients and to digest the 'tough' vegetable matter they consume. These fish eat a lot and they subsequently usually have a lot of excrement. The simple reason is that vegetable matter does not provide a lot of protein per volume like meat does, so they have to eat a lot of it. That is why tangs swim so much. They cover a lot of reef area in order to eat enough. They swim more to eat more and yet expend more energy to obtain their food.

Those who keep these kinds of fish should provide some sandy substrate (even if it is a bare-bottom tank). Many of these species will swallow some sand and very small pieces of gravel. Presumably, this helps in their digestion and grinding up of their vegetable diet.

Young fish in this group usually do consume some copepods, amphipods, and plankton as they grow. Feeding some brine shrimp and mysis is not a crime BUT no way should you feed just plain brine shrimp. Always feed these fish gut loaded brine shrimp. They should contain spirulina and/or fats (Omega 3 or HUFA). AND no way should their diet contain a lot of these pods and meats.

Here's a recommended feeding regime for a herbivore:
7 feedings of gut loaded brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, or Cyclopeze
7 feedings of Formula 2 (frozen or flake); spirulina loaded foods; kelp loaded foods; spirulina wafers/pellets; etc.
7 feedings of algae (vary sources, and colors -- use red, green, brown, purple and yellow); use home grown macro algae; or buy and prepare broccoli flowers.
Thus if you're feeding three times a day, each day the fish will get algae or broccoli, a feeding of brine shrimp or mysis, and one feeding of a true herbivore food.
You need to get him into the display. Hopefully you treated with copper to make sure there is no parasites. The water quality in the QT is what is causing the HLLE along with the lack of nutrition.
Its really hard to say what causes HLLE it could be poor water, stray voltage or poor diet. My thoughts on reading this thread is the fish has been in medicated water for a long time. Whats type of filtration is on the DT?

If the water is fine and you have no stray voltage then start feeding the fish a mix of foods but mainly dried seaweed or a food high in spirulina.