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Profiting off the uninformed

I was in Petsmart last night and saw a lady buying the stuff to keep a Beta. The salesgirl led her to the fishbowls and there on the shelf right next to them was...bottled water for your fish. Marked Beta H20, it was a one quart bottle of "specially" conditioned water for a mere $3.99.

If the lady had spoken a word of English, I'd have led her down the aisle to the water conditioners and told her how to condition enough water to fill her bathtub 10 times over for $4.

This is almost as bad as selling Aiptasia as anemones.
*cough* not to defend petsmart/petco employees for the most part, they are just as misinformed. except the guy in hcerry hill where i got some palys. he's the exception not the rule


Staff member
NJRC Member
I see this all the time. However, I have a big mouth so I tell the buyer the real deal in front of the sales people.
chaoscat said:
Marked Beta H20, it was a one quart bottle of "specially" conditioned water for a mere $3.99.

That's only slightly more expensive than the "spring water" people buy to drink for $1+ per 16oz, which is usually just filtered municipal water. It's all a rip-off and I'm not surprised another retail sector has found a way to capitalize on the bottled water craze.

At least the sales person was getting the buyer to use something other than chlorinated tap water. I wonder how many new fish owners are even told that straight tap water is harmful.
Actually you can go down the aisle of any LFS and most of the stuff on the market is a waste of money. The less you put in your tank and mess with it, the better the results. Hands off = Better results!
Please dont bad mouth only Petsmart/Petco people, stuff like this happens in our favorite LFS-s as well.

I went to one of our sponsors' stores a couple of days back, and against my will was somewhat coerced into buying a bottle of oysterfeast to feed my newly bought chalice. [inspite of having told the guy that my LPS are doing pretty well with my homemade mixture of spirulina, pellet one and tank water].

If anything I wanted to buy Phytofeast which seemed to have a better shelf life.

Admittedly this is also my mistake, but upon reaching home, I realised that at the recommended dosage, for a tank
my size, there is no way I could finish even a tenth of the bottle by the expiration date. I have to return the stuff ASAP to the store [its in the bottom shelf of my fridge now] or I could give it to one of you guys if you are interested ?
Been going on forever. When I worked at "Ed's Tropical Aquarium," we used to give away FREE GOLDFISH! I never let one of those things out of the store without at least $20 worth of stuff in little bottles, and that was back in 1977!
I totally agree with you Phyl, on the fact that the stuff is good. But how sensitive is the stuff to the expiration date ?

My bottle expires on 08/28/09 ... and directed amount of use is 1-2 tsp/day for every 100 gallon. With that rate, I suppose it would be 2tsp/5 days for my 20G. Between now and 08/28, if I consider it a period of 150 days, the max I can feed is 60 tsp and my bottle is 6oz = 36 tsp.

..oh wait I can actually use it!! Thanks Phyl for knocking some sense in me ;D. Oysterfeast to the rescue !!!
Actually happens just about everywhere. Remember STP back in the 70's. Muffler bearings lol back in the 90's.