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Protein Skimmer question

OK, now the fun part begins. Since i ordered my new tank (215 gallons), i have to start thinking about a new good protein skimmer rated for 300 Gallons at least i'm thinking. This would be an in sump skimmer. Below are my choices. I would love any feedback or if any one has any experience with any of the ones below or at least can recommend one I would appreciate it.

1. MRC MR-2 300 gallon rating. this is my preferred choice but at almost $500 as a package with pump and mods is a little more then i wanted to spend
2. Euro Reef RS-135 300 gallon rating 100-135 heavy average bioload rating --- this is the one i am leaning towards i believe it is a great skimmer and well within my price range
3. Octopus NW 200 - 300 gallon rating and in my price range also. i haven't heard to much about this one
4. ASM G-3 250 or G-4 350 gallon rating. This is my last choice. I think they are pretty popular but i don't know much about them.

Any info or feedback on my choices would be great. I was looking to spend 300-400 on a skimmer so any recommendations are greatly appreciated and if i can pick any of the above used by luck it would be even better.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We have the MRC-3R and love it. They're well made and really easy to use. I don't have any experience with any of the others on your list but I can tell you your first choice is a good one.
Harry, I just ordered same tank, but I have "Aqua Medic Turboflotor T1000 Protein Skimmer with Ocean Runner 2700 pump".
Do you guys think I need new one too??
I think any of the skimmers you are looking at would be just fine. Once you are looking on the high end of a product, it's more personal preference. Some skimmers are more aggressive, some are easier to clean, some are easy to get locally.

I would size the skimmer larger. I prefer using a skimmer rated for about double the tank size. Manufacturer's tend to be "very optimistic" when it comes to the size tank you can use a skimmer on.

I would consider an Aqua Medic Turboflotor T1000 too small for a 215 gal tank, but you could start with it. If you do plan an upgrade later.
are you sure about the ratings for the Euro reef RS 135.. i checked two companies and its rated for a 135 tank with medium bioload...not sure where you got the 300g ratings from ? so would this skimmer be two small for a 215?

fyi: I'm in the market myself for a skimmer for my 210. you may want to look into the the new Extreme series from Octopus. ive heard they're pretty good. good luck !

On the euro reef website the RS-135 has a 300 gallon comparative rating, but i guess if you have a heavy fish load its rating is only 100-135. so i think for a 215 with an average to low fish load it would be ok

mikem said:
KillaGoby said:
I would steer clear from Euro-Reef.

Any explanation?

Yep. I bought a brand new RS-100 from Marine Depot in the beginning of October. After learning that I had to build a platform in my sump to raise it to the correct water depth it started overflowing for no reason every 12 to 24 hours. It was making a mess inside of my cabinet every time I'd get home from work, or wake up in the morning. Euro Reef tech support was very slow to respond (if they even responded at all to my calls and e-mails). This went on for 2 months. I'd try to get a hold of Chip at Euro Reef with calls and e-mails. The first two voicemails and e-mails took him a few days to respond to me. So 2 weeks went by. After that my calls and e-mails were never returned. During the two months I researched it on Reef Central and NJ Reefers I found out I was not the only one that has this problem. Someone suggested that I get in touch with Marine Depot for a defective RMA. I did. They told me they have the same problem with the RS series and asked me to readjust it (more like a recirculating skimmer). It did not work. I called Marine Depot again and they told me they will try to get in touch with Euro Reef. Chip at Euro Reef called me that night. He apologized for not returning my calls and e-mails (He stated they were busy and on vacation. 3 months? Must be nice!) and took my address. He sent me a new pinwheel. "Ok, I said. I'll give this a shot". New pinwheel, same overflowing problem. They RS-100 did not skim one drop of skimmate in the 3 months I used it because of the overflowing. Here's the kicker. I called Marine Depot back to get a defective RMA, they stated they would have to contact Euro Reef again. So far no return calls from Euro Reef or Marine Depot. I even told them I would swap it out for a Tunze 9010 and pay the difference (the Tunze is $100 more) just to get a skimmer that works. Since then, none of my calls have been returned. Buyer beware!

PS- I am running a Tunze 9010 in the tank now. It started pulling out gunk the first night it was installed.
KillaGoby said:
mikem said:
KillaGoby said:
I would steer clear from Euro-Reef.

Any explanation?

Yep. I bought a brand new RS-100 from Marine Depot in the beginning of October. After learning that I had to build a platform in my sump to raise it to the correct water depth it started overflowing for no reason every 12 to 24 hours. It was making a mess inside of my cabinet every time I'd get home from work, or wake up in the morning. Euro Reef tech support was very slow to respond (if they even responded at all to my calls and e-mails). This went on for 2 months. I'd try to get a hold of Chip at Euro Reef with calls and e-mails. The first two voicemails and e-mails took him a few days to respond to me. So 2 weeks went by. After that my calls and e-mails were never returned. During the two months I researched it on Reef Central and NJ Reefers I found out I was not the only one that has this problem. Someone suggested that I get in touch with Marine Depot for a defective RMA. I did. They told me they have the same problem with the RS series and asked me to readjust it (more like a recirculating skimmer). It did not work. I called Marine Depot again and they told me they will try to get in touch with Euro Reef. Chip at Euro Reef called me that night. He apologized for not returning my calls and e-mails (He stated they were busy and on vacation. 3 months? Must be nice!) and took my address. He sent me a new pinwheel. "Ok, I said. I'll give this a shot". New pinwheel, same overflowing problem. They RS-100 did not skim one drop of skimmate in the 3 months I used it because of the overflowing. Here's the kicker. I called Marine Depot back to get a defective RMA, they stated they would have to contact Euro Reef again. So far no return calls from Euro Reef or Marine Depot. I even told them I would swap it out for a Tunze 9010 and pay the difference (the Tunze is $100 more) just to get a skimmer that works. Since then, none of my calls have been returned. Buyer beware!

PS- I am running a Tunze 9010 in the tank now. It started pulling out gunk the first night it was installed.

Wow that sucks, i'll have to keep that in mind

Yep. One of the reasons I chose Tunze this time around is because of their customer service. I have 6101 on a single controller as well and I love it. The Tunze 9010 is not built as big or solid as the Euro Reef (it's all thin plastic), but it's been skimming from day 1 with no flooding. Also, it's smaller size is allowing me to add more LR for filtration in my sump. I would of went with a Deltec but the one I wanted was out of my price range. Check out DAS Skimmers as well. I would steer clear from ASM. They are Euro Reef knock offs.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I emailed their customer service 2 weeks ago and they got back to me the same night.
harryk said:
OK, now the fun part begins. Since i ordered my new tank (215 gallons), i have to start thinking about a new good protein skimmer rated for 300 Gallons at least i'm thinking. This would be an in sump skimmer. Below are my choices. I would love any feedback or if any one has any experience with any of the ones below or at least can recommend one I would appreciate it.

1. MRC MR-2 300 gallon rating. this is my preferred choice but at almost $500 as a package with pump and mods is a little more then i wanted to spend
2. Euro Reef RS-135 300 gallon rating 100-135 heavy average bioload rating --- this is the one i am leaning towards i believe it is a great skimmer and well within my price range
3. Octopus NW 200 - 300 gallon rating and in my price range also. i haven't heard to much about this one
4. ASM G-3 250 or G-4 350 gallon rating. This is my last choice. I think they are pretty popular but i don't know much about them.

Any info or feedback on my choices would be great. I was looking to spend 300-400 on a skimmer so any recommendations are greatly appreciated and if i can pick any of the above used by luck it would be even better.

so did you decide on a skimmer yet ? I havent bought one yet but im leaning towards the new Octopus Extreme line
pete - r u planning to setup the extreme internal or external to your sump? Curious how it will perform externally, considering that they are modeled after the ATI bubble-masters, which are known to require a dead steady water level in your sump.
I would like to use it externally .  Jason from premium acuatics mentioned it would probably be bettor exteranlly since the water level fluctuation could affect the skimmers performance.  I leaning towards the new extreme series but also considering the recirculating modells.  are you considering getting an Octopus skimmer? please note the extreme models come as in-sump and external . PA said the external model can be used either way.