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Question about Kalkwasser dripping

We finally set up the automatic topoff. I found a trash can that holds a little over 10 gallons, filled it up with RO/DI water, hooked up the pump and the float switch, and watched in amazement all day how my water level in the sump stayed the same. ::)

Here's my question: I've never used Kalkwasser before since I do everything manually. Well, I was hoping to add Kalk to the RO/DI. I know I have to stir it up and let it settle. My question is whether I can run the topoff continually or if I can only do it at night. The most evaporation takes place during the day, when the fans are going. During hot days I lose about 3 gallons of water, which put a good dent into the sump.

you can put a kalk reactor in between your top off and your sump
when the sump demands water(float switch) water from your reserve will push water from kalk reactor to your sump.
the kalk reactor is connected to a timer which stirs the kalk a few times a day
Thank you both.

I don't think I'm ready for a Kalkwasser reactor. Perhaps I'll just continue to do everything manually because I'm so worried that if I start doing things differently I won't achieve the same results.

Phyl, do you mean you top of with Kalkwasser as evaporation takes place? (Sorry, I'm a slow learner :-[)



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We top off with Kalk through the ATO unit (like you were suggesting that you wanted to do).