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question on probes

I clean my ORP and two Ph probes with a soft bristled toothbrush once a month when I clean out my sump. You'd be surprised at the difference in readings before and after cleaning. As far as replacement, I think they last a few years provided you don't let them dry out.
Replace the probes once a year.
Also Fred I was just reading that you should only use a Q-tip or a paper towel for the ORP probe. Toothbrushes can remove the coating and then the silver (in most cases) inside the probe can enter the water.
Look on RC or RF for more info but I was looking into ORP probes all day ;-)
I recommend calibrating the PH probes at least every 4-6 months. I do it every 2-3.
This is even more important if it is the cheapo dip in units. The ones that are not mounted into the sump/tank all the time. When dried, moved, banged around they tend to be off more often.