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Reef Crystals is cloudy....change or not?

I made a batch of water yesterday morning for a water change today. I used Reef Crystals this time and its a bit cloudy. Is this normal and can I still do my water change? I have an air stone in it and a power head. it is heated up to 80' and the SG is 1.025.
I'm a newb but in my mind the "cloudy" is either air or something else in suspension. If it were me I would shut off the air stone and see if the cloud disappears. Unless the "cloudy-ness" disappears after that, at which point I would assume its air, then I wouldn't use it. Still, if this time was the same process as every other time and you have different results I would be concerned.
I am gonna go through with the water change. I am sure once it is mixed in with 120g it will dissolve some m ore.