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reef octupus sro1000lsss water level

I just got a new reef octupus sro1000lsss today. its fits great in my 10 gallom sump which next week will Be a 20 gallon sump. my question is about the water level. It says that the water level should be 6". But if u haven't seen it before the body of the skimmer sits on the pump whichis about 3" tall that's what makes it space saver. Now where should the water level be 6" from the bottom of the pump or 6" from the base of the skimmer body. I have read and heard both sides. So does anybody have experience with this skimmer?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Non, no, net, nein, Não! The total water depth is six inches. You put the skimmer in six inches of water. The bottom of the skimmer to the top of the water level is six inches……SIX INCHES!
What would you suggest to put under the skimmer to raise it. I was thinking a plastic bowl with holes but I'm not sure if it would collect a lot of organic and things that unwanted. Or something else?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Build a little riser using light diffuser (egg crate) and cable ties. Here is one I did for my Biopellet reactor.
