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reef to reptiles

nice store and good prices. just getting started but shows much promise.
bought a nice 2 head acan for $20.
1109 rt. 35 next to house of paints
worth a visit.
Nice guys stopped in today just to say hello. Spoke to Greg for a while...bought a monster turbo...just cuz I felt like I was supposed to buy something ;D.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Stopped in before we got married and the store is very nice even though it is not completely setup yet. Very impressive prices on everything in the store. I will be going back very soon, picked up some snails and a pistol shrimp.

Small disclaimer: I know Greg from elementary and high school but that is not affecting my posts on this store. Worth the visit.
I forgot to post that I swung by here 2 saturdays ago and my daughter and I enjoyed the place. It's still in "new-store" mode/new tanks etc but so far I liked it a lot. My daughter could not stop talking about the bearded dragon and the beautiful parrots being weaned.

I picked up a few conches and black turban snails at a great price.
Went here last night. This is now my favorite store. Only problem for me is the 2 hour drive.

Great corals, clean tanks and more importantly I really enjoy buying from good people. Greg seems like a great guy and didn't mind answering my 187.4 questions I asked. :D
Made my first trip to R2R today and left very impressed and w/ a few goodies ;D. Like others said it is still a work in progress, but shows great potential. There were 3 large frag tanks with great prices on good looking stock, including a fair amount of beautiful acans frags (2-7 heads) varying from $20+ depending on size. Greg also mentioned the fish livestock is purchased from a vendor that quarantines and raises fish in captivity for 6-9 weeks before reselling to retailers.

Locals should definitely stop in, and anyone taking a trip to Trop should also stop here, they are practically across the street from each other. Can't wait to see where Greg takes things
I made my first trip last week and picked up this mantis for $25. Definitely one of my new favorite stores.


GregW said:
I made my first trip last week and picked up this mantis for $25. Definitely one of my new favorite stores.



that is awesome! do you have that in it's own nano?

Man I am jealous - first harlequins and now another neato invert.
Hawkeye said:
GregW said:
I made my first trip last week and picked up this mantis for $25. Definitely one of my new favorite stores.
that is awesome! do you have that in it's own nano?

Man I am jealous - first harlequins and now another neato invert.

He's in his own 20 gallon but tied into the system. It made a home out of a barnacle shell and collected every small rock in the tank and carefully placed them at the two entrances.
